August 13, 2024

The Lord of Cats


A few weeks ago, I participated in the monthly walking of our local labyrinth.  This is always a special occasion, as it is a great opportunity to do a spiritual tune up.  BTW—I just purchased a huge illustrated reference book on the history and locations of labyrinths from all over the world.  This tradition goes back hundreds if not thousands of years.  I will have an opportunity to walk another one this coming weekend, but more about that later.

After I walked the labyrinth, I sat quietly for a bit to enjoy the elevated energy and to settle back into my body.  As I gazed towards the center of the labyrinth, a large form started to take shape.  It was the head of a cat!  Picture a giant feline rising up just enough to poke its head through the center of the labyrinth.  It was looking right at me!  I have to mention that as I was walking, I was also invoking healing for my cat Josie, as she had recently had some health challenges. 

All animals have a group soul that they originate from.  They do not have individual souls as we humans do. Upon death, their essence merges back into their species group soul.  The large cat in front of me said that he was the Lord of the Cats.  In other words, he was in charge of the cat group soul. 

So I asked him about what I can do for Josie to help her.  Here was his response.  “All you can do is love her and do your best to take care of her.  She has her own plan for her life, and is in charge of her own destiny.”  Wow!!  I guess that takes some of the pressure off of me!  There are cases where individual animals can separate from their species group soul at the moment of death and start their journey as an individual soul in a human body for their next incarnation.  Robert Monroe encountered such a situation during one of his many journeys out of the body.  Is this part of Josie’s plan?  Perhaps!

On another note, I am getting ready to drive all the way to Boulder, Colorado for the Ancient Civilizations Conference this weekend.  One way it will be a little more than 500 miles, so I will split it up into 2 days going there.  One day coming back.  This will be at the Gaiasphere facility, home to Gaia TV.  My good friend Lindsay will also be attending as she lives not far from there, and we expect to have a great time.  There is also a labyrinth on the property, which I am excited about walking. 

So in addition to the interesting speakers, I hope to get some information on other Megalithic/Neolithic sites that I can visit on future trips.  Maria Wheatley, whom I mentioned in a previous post, will be one of the speakers.  Her expertise is on the Stonehenge/Avebury area.  I wonder if she will remember meeting me at Avebury. 

There you have it.  I do not know how long it will take me to recover from the very long drive, but I will post again soon after I get home.  I am setting my intent to have a fascinating and magical time in Boulder.

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