August 30, 2024

An Acceleration

Something is in the air!  I don’t know about you, but I am feeling the acceleration in consciousness that I predicted in my 2024 New Year’s post from late December of last year.  Although it could be just me.   Since May, several opportunities have come up for me that were designed to do just that.

For the past 5 months or so, I have been participating in a weekly Tuesday night healing circle with the Life Line Center.  I wrote about this in my May 24th post.  It is a one year commitment, and so far, I am pleased with the sessions.  Dr Darren Weissman uses the Lifeline Technique to connect everyone in the circle with subconscious early life traumas that need clearing.  It is quite fascinating how this works.  If you are interested in trying this out, he offers a 2 week free trial. 

Of course, my trip to the highly energized sites around Stonehenge and Carnac the end of May were significant for my spiritual evolution.  I know how to tap into the heightened energy and how to use that energy while I am on site.   Although, all one would need to do is just stand there with an intention to raise one’s vibration for healing and spiritual evolution.   That is also why one can visit sacred sites in Egypt and Peru for example, and come away from those trips changed for the better. 

So that brings me to the labyrinth walks that I have done in the last few months.  Those are certainly guaranteed to raise one’s vibration!  Included are the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral in June, the 2 labyrinths at the GaiaSphere, and the end of month walks here in Cedar City.  BTW—I have one of those tomorrow.   It is so important to have an intention as you enter labyrinth.  Traditionally, one releases what needs to go on the way into the center, and embraces the positive on the way out.  If any of you have a labyrinth in your area, I encourage you to make use of it.  It is a very easy and somewhat passive way to move out heavy energy and embrace acceleration on your spiritual journey. 

I’ve also gotten back to a somewhat regular meditation practice.  Nothing fancy, just breathing deeply and clearing the mind for maybe a half hour or so.  But the most interesting event occurred about 10 days ago on one of my favorite hiking trails.  I was up at 11,000’ looking for mushrooms when suddenly, I went down flat on my face.  No injury except a few scratches on my face, and some bleeding.  Elbows, knees, hands perfectly fine.  My first impression was that I went through some sort of portal or dimensional gateway.  It was like I was in another world altogether.  I will be speaking to a friend on Monday to confirm this. 

All of my recent activities have propelled me forward very strongly.  What I have described here is more in the realm of passive or indirect activities, which anyone can do.  In the mean time, I have gotten R J Spina’s latest book “Access Super Consciousness” which is fabulous.  I highly recommend it.  He outlines many “active” ways in which one can increase one’s vibration and accelerate one’s own healing.  Also, every month he does an on line seminar Q & A with a guided meditation.  I participated last Sunday morning.  Quiet interesting.  The next one is in late September.  You can sign up for his mailing list at    

There you have it.  We have our Labor Day holiday weekend now, so I wish all of you in the US a nice and relaxing time. 

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