September 24, 2023

Self Launching

Our on line launching group is taking a break for now, so I thought I’d suggest something that you can try at home on your own.  Keep in mind that I have not tried this myself, as I journey in different ways.  This will be an experiment! 

The purpose of a group launching is for each person in turn to expand their consciousness and get launched out as far as they can go to have a variety of experiences.  We are mapping the cosmos in addition to preparing for when we leave our bodies for the last time in this lifetime.  The premise is that at that moment we will exit out of the 4th dimensional matrix and be free of the wheel of reincarnation.  To make it clear, we are not doing astral travel/out of body.  We are expanding our consciousness out as far as we can.  When we drop our physical form for the last time, our consciousness is all that we will have.  The astral body is a 4th dimensional construct that is only functional in 4 D. 

Here is the process that you might try.  Make sure that you are in a quiet place with no possibility of being disturbed.  Not even by someone in the next room. 

Actually, I am thinking that noise cancelling headphones would do the trick if they fit comfortably without distraction.  Lay down flat on the floor or in bed.  Ground yourself and wait until you are totally calm and relaxed.  Take your time here.  Then set your intent for your journey.  You can look back at my previous posts on the launchings for examples of intents.  Your intent will steer your journey.  Otherwise you may find yourself just floating around aimlessly. 

When you are ready, start expanding your Core Essence, just like you are blowing up a big balloon.  Use your breath.   This is your 5 D and beyond vessel.  Get it as big as you can, and then launch yourself by releasing an explosive blast of breath.  This will expand your 5 D bubble out even further.  Remember that you are always at the center of your Core Essence.  It is like your own personal space ship!  Then just wait and see what you get. 

It is important to keep your focus of attention on the furthest edge of your bubble, not back in your body.  Your intent will take you to the correct spot.  If you would like to go further out, use your breath to expand out more.  You are the captain of your ship.  Do not let your mind start to work the journey.  Give it a rest and be your own observer. 

When launching with groups, we always have a time keeper that signals the end of the journey so we can bring the journeyer back.  Our maximum is 6 minutes.  If you are doing this on your own, you would probably just come back naturally.  The time it takes would be different for each individual. You can play around with this.  Maybe your journey will be short at the start, or maybe you will fall asleep!  Or anything in-between.   You can also launch more than once in a row.  Quite often, I found that on the second launching, I started out where the previous one left off. 

Make this fun.  It is not a job or a test!  You will be exploring, so who knows what you may find!  If you decide to go for it, I would appreciate any comments or questions here on the blog, and not in personal e-mails.  We can all learn from each other in this way.  Good luck.

September 23, 2023

Happy Equinox


Today all over the world is the Equinox, where daylight and nighttime hours are the same length.  This happens twice a year.  The theme of the equinox is balance, equality, and harmony.  If you feel that you are out of balance physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually, this is the perfect time to set things right with some sort of spiritual activity such as a bowl burning,  a meditation,  or a visit to a sacred place such as a labyrinth or high energy place out in nature.  While participating in your chosen activity, set a strong intent that any imbalance be corrected.  The energy of the sun and the earth will collaborate on your behalf.  How wonderful that this happens twice a year!

Last night, I drove out to one of my favorite sacred locations to observe the setting sun.  This is the Parowan Gap.  Ancient people did their ceremonies here, and I like to imagine and feel that I am walking in their footsteps each time I visit the site. 

I left the house a bit later than I normally would, but got there in time to capture the setting sun going down through the gap.  As I watched the sun set, I strongly expressed my intent for balance and harmony in my life, at the same time allowing the power of the sun to enter my body to facilitate transformation.  Below are some of the photos of the event.

As soon as the sun disappeared, the real magic began!  If I am in town for the equinoxes and the summer solstice, I always go out to the gap.  I have been doing this for about 3 years now, and I have to say that I have never seen a sunset as brilliant as the one we had last night.  What a blessing!

The tiny glowing white spot in the photos below is the quarter moon.

I am thinking that I might go out there for the Winter Solstice if the weather is good and the ground is not too muddy.  That would involve a good deal of climbing around on the nearby hills to find the right vantage spot.  Perhaps this is the year for that! 

September 9, 2023

The Life Review

It has been widely reported by near death experiencers that upon leaving their body and going through the tunnel of light, they have a life review.  This involves seeing a rapidly moving “summary “of their life’s experiences.  The life review is often described by those who have experienced it as "having their life flash before their eyes".

It is my understanding that during this review, positive and negative aspects of the life are shown to the person.  Notice that I say “shown”, as this is not an organic dumping of the consciousness’s remembrances.  Whoever is in charge of this process orchestrates the whole thing.  There is some kind of harvesting of memories going on here. 

The aspect of the life review that I would like to address here is the viewing of one’s mistakes and how their misdeeds have affected others.  This is most often experienced by the person as if they were feeling what the other person felt at the time.  Thus creating guilt and regret for one’s past actions. 

This is where the scam takes hold.  Keep in mind that the whole reincarnational process is designed to keep humans stuck here so that they are recycled lifetime after lifetime.  Why?  We provide food for the ones orchestrating this through the stimulation of our negative emotions.  That is the food that is created for their consumption.  No humans, no food, so we are not allowed to escape.  BTW—I believe that in ages past, a few were able to leave the 4 D arena, but for whatever reason, very few if any have gotten out for thousands of years.  Perhaps the vibration of the planet was higher in the past making it easier for one to raise their own personal vibration and leave. 

It is important to be informed as to the true spiritual nature of our life here.  First of all, we are all following a plan set out by our higher aspects, soul, and those that we have chosen to interact with this time around.  It seems like there are “victims” and “perpetrators”, but that is simply an illusion and the collaboration between 2 souls for their mutual growth and evolution.  And perhaps just for the experience that that scenario provides!  No harm no foul.  Just the learning.  When one hurts, damages, or kills another, that is part of the plan and the agreement between the two. 

So what is there to regret?  What is there to be guilty of?  Nevertheless, knowing this does not give one permission to wreak havoc willfully.  There is a clear moral compass built into a truly spiritual life. 

Getting back to the life review, the whole thing is designed to stimulate guilt and regret so that the soul desires to come back into another incarnation to try to do better and make amends one more time.  Having this belief system guarantees that one will never get it totally right, thus experiencing the never ending loop of the reincarnational cycle. 

I also realized quite a while ago that any thought or emotion that comes up and causes us to feel bad about ourselves is an ET program!  If that feeling comes up for me, such as when delving into certain past events, I just tell myself that it is a program, and the self judgment melts away.  I refuse to create food for whomever. 

What I recommend is that all of you really embrace the knowledge that every interaction between you and another is a pre-planned co-creative collaboration no matter what it looks like in real time.  There is no guilt and no regret.  You are just following your script!  What do you do if you find yourself in circumstances where a life review has started to flash before your eyes?  Don’t get sucked in.  You can even refuse to watch!  If you have just left your body upon death, I am hoping that you have enough escape velocity to zoom right through the 4th dimension where all of this funny business takes place, thus avoiding the whole issue altogether.  Then of course, you have escaped and are free to pursue other experiences out of the 4D matrix. 

Knowledge is key.  Be informed and embrace a paradigm other that what has been promoted by the ones who would like to keep us here.

September 1, 2023

Unity Consciousness

This past weekend, I hosted our remote launching group to come and spend 3+ days in beautiful SW Utah.  Planned activities included ceremony at the top of Brian Head Mountain, where there is a very powerful vortex, a day hiking at Zion National Park, an opportunity to walk the local labyrinth and an in person launching, among others.  All these activities were designed to enhance their spiritual healing and evolution. 

I have had all of these people in classes that I have taught, in-person launchings, healing sessions, and other unrelated trips.  They know each other well, but hadn’t gotten together in person for several years.  I was looking forward to a few days of camaraderie with like minded souls, something that I rarely have any more.  Unfortunately that was not to be.  For a variety of reasons that I will not go into here, the group never really gelled.  I do trust however that everyone got what they needed from the experience as a whole.

Our last activity was the launching.  My intent was to experience the structure of unity consciousness.  After expanding my consciousness, I experienced myself as a clear bubble floating in space.  Around me were other clear bubbles of the same size.  We were all identical.  We then came together and merged into one bubble.  As soon as that happened, the process repeated with more bubbles of the same size coming together into an even larger bubble.  And over and over.  

Now I am not saying that we all have to be the same.  That would be pretty boring.  But for a group to truly come together there has to be a common intent and similar vibrational level.  This is especially true for spiritually evolving beings.  That is why it can be so hard for us to find like minded souls and activities that are fulfilling on many levels.  Nevertheless, our primary goal should always be to do our own work to the best of our abilities at all times.  We may not find our kindred souls until we pass out of our physical bodies for the last time!