August 21, 2024

Ancient Civilizations Conference

I am finally caught up with odds and ends around here and have time to post about last weekend’s conference.  It was fabulous!  The Ancient Civilizations Conference took place at the GaiaSphere in Boulder, Colorado.  I chose to drive there instead of flying and renting a car.  In total, I put about 1200 miles on my car!  As I wasn’t sure how well I would do with driving so far, I went about 2/3 of the way on Thursday, and the rest of the way on Friday, ending up on Pearl Street in Boulder for some shopping and lunch before checking into my hotel. 

On my last trip to Stonehenge and Carnac, I made friends with fellow traveler Mary.  As luck would have it, she lives about an hour north of Boulder.  She drove down on Friday evening and we had a delightful Italian meal at a local restaurant. 

Now on to the conference.  It took place on the campus of Gaia TV, in their event center called the GaiaSphere.   My dear friend Lindsay, who lives in the Denver area, was able to attend.  As she was new to a lot of the topics that were covered, it was such great fun to experience it all with her.  In addition to the state of the art auditorium, there are 2 different labyrinths on the property.  The Gaia Studio where their regular shows are recorded is also there, and we got a tour of that building at lunchtime.  George Noory of Coast to Coast AM fame records his other show “Beyond Belief” there, and we got to see that sound stage. 

The lineup of speakers was quite impressive, although I was not familiar with some of them.  The first speaker was William Henry, who was the guide on my first trip to Egypt in 2008.  He discussed the Serapeum, which I had the privilege to visit in 2012 on my last trip to Egypt.  I have to say that it has to be one of if not the most enigmatic sites that I have ever visited.  Truly fantastic.

David Hatcher Childress spoke on megalithic sites all over the world, which happens to be a primary interest of mine.  Freddy Silva spoke about the energy at various ancient and megalithic sites.  He takes groups to these places and uses dousing rods to show how powerful and extensive these energies can be.  Gregg Braden was the last speaker on Saturday, having the longest time slot at 1 ½ hours.  His topic was the hidden messages in our DNA.  I won’t get into this, but I found his information a bit off considering some of my ideas.  I will leave it at that.

Geologist Robert Schoch has been credited with accurately dating the Great Sphinx in Egypt as being much older than traditional archaeologists had estimated.  The weathering patterns on the rock of the Sphinx enclosure proves that it existed in a time of massive rainfall and flooding, about 12,000 years ago.  I found his presentation quite interesting.  BTW—he stuck around for the rest of the afternoon on Sunday after his presentation.  Clearly he is a people person! 

Maria Wheatley spoke on healing earth energies.  She just appeared on stage and did not mingle afterwards.  I did not get to meet her again in person, but she announced that she will be leading a weekend workshop at America’s Stonehenge in New Hampshire next May.  I would love to go! 

I think that the highlight of the weekend was a presentation by Erich von Daniken, of “Chariots of the Gods“  fame.  What a delight.  He is 90 years old!  Years ago, he popularized the notion that ET’s have been visiting earth for many many years, and are still among us today. 

So there you have it.  I won't mention the other 4 speakers that I was not familiar with.  When I have a chance, I will go back through my notes and perhaps order a few books written by the speakers.  I have a lot to chew on now.  This is the third year that the conference has been presented, so I may be going back next year.  Driving, maybe.  Flying, also maybe! 

I will do one more post on the labyrinths and other features of the property.  Until then. 

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