August 22, 2024


The grounds around the GaiaSphere are lovely, and offer many opportunities for relaxation and introspection.  Unfortunately, it was too hot last weekend to spend much time outside in the middle of the day.  I did walk around and take photos on Sunday morning and evening.

There are 2 labyrinths on the property.  One is the traditional 11 circuit design like the one at Chartres Cathedral, and the other one is a spiral.  Behind the building is a patio with tables and chairs, in addition to a very nice man made waterfall complete with a water lily pond.


There was a tree nearby that had lots of what I assume were large crab apples, and the local Canada geese were feasting!   Unfortunately, there was goose poop all over the place.  One had to be careful not to step in it. 

I did not have my camera with me on Saturday after the sessions when I walked the main labyrinth.  Luckily, some clouds rolled in and it was a very pleasant walk.  On Sunday morning, I got to the GaiaSphere pretty early to photograph.  As I turned the corner to go through the gate to the labyrinth, here were 3 fledgling Cooper’s hawks just sitting there on the fence.  What a treat!

People were already walking the labyrinth, so I went to the back of the property to where the spiral one was and walked that.  It was serene and peaceful. 

Inside the entrance of the building is a humongous Amethyst geode.  It is big enough to lay down in!

There is also a very nice mounted smokey quartz crystal in a hall way.

I walked the main labyrinth for a second time after the Sunday session was over.  The clouds had rolled in again, so the photos turned out better than the few that I took in the morning with the deep shadows.

Walking the labyrinths was an excellent way to integrate the heightened energies of the weekend.  

After a good night’s sleep, I set out for home on Monday morning.  The 594 mile drive took exactly 10 hours which included a few stops.  I stopped for lunch in Grand Junction, and had some iced tea, which I usually do not do anymore.  My hope was that the tea would keep me awake until I got home, and it did just that.  The scenery through the Rocky Mountain portion of Colorado was gorgeous, but it didn’t compare with the mountainous area from Green River to Richfield Utah on Hwy 70.  That was breathtaking to say the least.  Too bad I couldn’t stop to take photos.

I also went through a big rain storm on that stretch, so that slowed me down a bit.  There was at least one accident on the other side of the highway because I assume that person was driving too fast for the conditions and slid off of the road.  This is a very isolated stretch of highway, as there are no services for about 160 miles.  There are signs warning about that, too. 

So I was almost driving on fumes when I finally got into Cedar City, but still wide awake and perky.  What a great trip.  I am now going through my notes and ordering some of the books from the speakers.  Digesting all of that information will take a while! 

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