July 20, 2024

A Crazy Dream

I normally do not work with my dreams, but in this case, I thought I’d briefly share.  I also find that my most vivid dreams occur just before waking in the morning.

Early Friday morning, in my dream, I had just landed at an airport having come back from a trip.  To pick up my luggage, I had to leave the airport and go outside to another location.  I was riding a bicycle along a dirt road.  Off to the side on a parallel dirt road, were throngs of people all walking in the same direction as I was.  Everyone was looking for their luggage.   It was extremely crowded. 

Up ahead, we encountered a pile of luggage off to the left side.  I thought, “How will I be able to find my suitcase there? “

For whatever reason, I passed that pile and moved to the next.  Again, the throngs of people were also looking for their luggage, and digging through the piles.  At that point, I did find my suitcase, which was a bright red in color.  Along with it, there was a big white pillow.  I then had to figure out how to exit with the suitcase, pillow and the bicycle!  Right after that I woke up.

Imagine my surprise when I saw on the news that morning that a global IT outage had caused chaos at many of the world’s airports! 

Is this a trend?  Should I be paying closer attention to my dreams?  Maybe so!

July 15, 2024

Averting Cat-astrophe

I have a cat named Josie that will be 18 in a few months.  For several reasons, I recently switched to a much better veterinarian for her.  It was determined that she needed a dental cleaning and removal of a cyst on her lip. 

So last Thursday was the procedure, which required general anesthesia.  That is always chancy for a super senior cat.   Preliminary blood work showed that she was in better health than most other cats her age, so we decided to proceed.

Everything went well, and I got her back that night.  The trouble started the next day.  As the day progressed, she became more and more lethargic, almost to a comatose state.  That was pretty distressing for me to see her that way.  As my vet was already closed for the day, I decided to take her to St George to the emergency animal hospital.  I did not want to take any chances with her condition.

The emergency vet was just as perplexed as I was.  I got Josie out of her carrier and she just lay on the exam table without moving.  This is not normal cat behavior, especially in a strange place with strange people touching her.   X-rays and a blood test were all normal. 

This is where my inner guidance kicked in.   We were alone in the exam room while the blood analysis was being done.  As I was firmly asking her that she stay with me, and that her time with me was not at an end, I started looking at her connection with the cat group soul.

Every animal’s energy comes from their species group soul.  They do not have individual souls per se, and can’t reincarnate as that previous animal.  The connection with the group soul comes right down and into the top of the head. 

Something told me that this connection was where the problem was.  So I went up to the cat group soul and started pulling energy down towards Josie’s head.  I did see that her connection with the cat group soul had a big gap in it right above her head.  That got filled in and she got reconnected firmly.  I can only assume that the trauma from her general anesthetic and the dental work had damaged that connection and disconnected her a bit.  I will never know if she would have recovered or passed over if I had waited overnight and not intervened. 

All through this process, she started to blink her eyes and squirm a bit.  That was a good sign.  She even gave the tech some trouble when her toenails were trimmed.  The only other thing that the vet did for her was to re-hydrate her and give her a B12 injection, since he didn't know what else to do, but that was after I worked on her group soul connection. 

As of today, she is doing just fine.  I hope to have Josie with me for at least several years to come! 

July 14, 2024

Saturday Fun

Yesterday was the annual Cedar City Jamboree, which is a fund raiser for the local chapter of the International Rotary club.  The funds raised are donated to a whole host of worthy causes.  The highlight of the event is the classic car show, in addition to lots of venders selling all sorts of things, including food.  Main Street was cordoned off for several blocks to accommodate the cars and crowds. 

I always enjoy attending, but because of the heat this year, I wasn’t sure I would go, let alone do any photography.  I am glad that I went, as there were many cars on display that I hadn’t seen before.  Let me say that I do not know much about cars.  I enjoy admiring the artistic value and “personality” of each.  They speak to me in a very subtle way.  I am also sure that some of that has to do with the many hundreds of hours that their owners have spent restoring some of them, and the pride that is taken with the results.  So here are some of the outstanding personalities!

So, can a machine have consciousness?  The cars above certainly look like they do.  What about the Taylor Swift car below.  That one was "speaking" to a lot of people!

Here are a few license plates that were certainly a reflection of their owners consciousness.

Now here is a car that I had never seen before.  It is an excessively expensive Karma Revero. 

We even had a DeLorean, as in the movie "Back to the Future". 
"Machines", or in this case, cars, can evoke memories, emotions, and curiosity.  That is why I like car shows.  
When I got home, I checked my e-mails and found the twice a day posting from the Cedar City News.  Imagine my surprise to find that I had made the news!  Here I was having my picture taken at the car show while I was taking a picture.  Life is sure interesting at times. 

July 5, 2024

Happy 4th of July

Hope you all had a good one! 

July 1, 2024

Chartres Cathedral

So here we were on the last day of the trip.  Our hotel in Chartres was within walking distance of the famous cathedral, so that is where we went first.  It is a monumental and significant building, and you can read up on it here.  Here are some photos from our tour of this amazing place.

My interest here was being able to walk the 800 year old labyrinth that is located right in the middle of the main part of the building.  It is made of limestone inlaid right into the floor, and is 42’ wide.  Huge!  Even though our trip was scheduled so that we could do that, at the last minute, an event was planned and they needed the floor space for more chairs to accommodate the crowd, so we could not walk it.  That was a disappointment.  I actually do not feel too disappointed, as I was able to photograph the labyrinth, sit on it, meditate with it, and stand in the power spot right in the middle and soak up the sublime energy.  That seemed to be enough, as I am still feeling the heightened vibrations. 

I would not have been able to get the whole thing into a photo anyway as it was too large.  Here is a copy of a postcard, showing he labyrinth from above, that I bought in the gift shop.  To give you some scale, the brown rectangles at the top and bottom are actually rows of chairs!

Our last official activity was a stop at the National Archaeology Museum north of Paris in St.-Germain-en-Laye that houses a vast collection of Paleolithic artifacts.  The most fascinating one is a small head of a woman carved from mammoth ivory called the “Dame a la Capuche”.  It was excavated from a cave in the Pyrenees Mountains in the south of France in 1894, and is estimated to be about 25,000 years old! 

So there you have it.  I hope you found my travels interesting.  My trip home had some issues, as does all travel nowadays.  I did see Air Force One parked at the Charles De Gaulle Airport outside of Paris.  What a note to end on!