April 30, 2023

April Launch

Earlier today, our online launching group met for our monthly activity.  All of the journeys today were quite mellow and lovely.  That was the space that we all were in.  Very nice.

I always encourage the launchers to have an intent for their journey.  Otherwise, I feel that the results may not be as fruitful.  If nothing comes to mind, one can use “show me something that I need to see” or “take me somewhere I need to go”.   Today I chose “teach me something I need to know”.  That was a new one for me. 

Thus the theme for my launch turned out to involve where to find knowledge.  When I started my journey, what I saw in the first zone or bandwidth I went through upon going upwards looked like I was surrounded on all sides with the spines of books oriented towards me.  These books were all gold.  Akashic records perhaps?           

The next zone was filled with letters, numbers, and symbols floating in the air.  From there I encountered an ancient Chinese man who was opening small square drawers in an equally old wooden cabinet.  Each drawer contained gold discs or leaf shapes that floated upwards when that drawer was opened.  I did not linger there to find out what that was all about!

The next zone was full of multitudes of minute golden particles floating around me.  Offhand I would say that this was a causal plane, and perhaps where the templates of perfection for the human race are located.  Or where a template can be created via intent for anything! 

Then, up ahead of me, there was a massive explosion of white light.  I entered that explosion, and upon coming out the other side, found myself in an area where my best description was that I was not separate from the totality of knowledge.  I was the knowledge! There was no separation. 

So I would say that I went from a lower zone where knowledge was found in all of those golden books, and that I had to search for it, to an area where I was the knowledge itself, and to everything in between.  In addition, at that end point, there was no asking of questions or searching for answers. Remember that it is the mind that is constantly asking “why”.  The core beingness has no need for that kind of activity. 

As one evolves I would imagine that the questions about life, etc, become few and far between, until there are no more questions.  What a peaceful and sublime way to live!

April 19, 2023

Are We Safe?

This is a question that a client asked me a few weeks ago, at the end of her session.  “Are we safe?”  (I assume that she meant humanity as a whole.)  My response was “Of course!”  This is the explanation that I gave her.

Safety is strictly an internal attitude.   It has nothing to do with one’s external situation.  Certainly I acknowledge that there is such a thing as a “dangerous” situation that might generate feelings of fear, but that does not automatically mean that you are unsafe. 

Here are a few basic spiritual universal principals that I believe are true.    First of all, we always create our own reality.  100%!  Our reality is generated from within us, and may come from belief systems, traumas, early childhood issues, past life hold overs or genetic patterns.  That is why it behooves us to be vigilant as to what issues come up for us, and do our best to transcend those issues.  If awareness is not brought to them, they tend to repeat over and over. 

Years ago, I learned the phrase that said ”The universe rearranges itself to accommodate your version of reality”.  Offhand, I cannot remember where I heard this, but it is entirely true.  What we carry within us will always be reflected in some fashion in our outer world.  This is also a basic tenet of my healing practice.  I assist the client in shifting their inner map so that a new environment will appear surrounding them. 

Unfortunately with some world situations  as they are, and excess news reporting of numerous tragedies, fear based people are triggered into more fear, and are bound to feel unsafe, even if these events are not near them or do not involve them at all. 

Like attracts like.  What we have within us will attract the same without.  The person who feels unsafe has an internal issue about safety, and will manifest external situations reflecting that.  How about a person who is victimized over and over?  Is in multiple car accidents, or has their phone stolen several times.  These are not random events.  They are meant for that person, as it is a part of their life plan. These events are a heads up to the experiencer so that they can wake up and do something about the inner patterns that are generating them.

What about the “mirror” effect?  All of our life’s experiences are mirroring to us our inner state in some fashion.  If the same thing is shown to us over and over, that means that we have that inside of us, and it is time to do some work on what is out there that triggers us.  Currently, there are a multitude of situations going on in the world that we would deem as unsafe, but not everyone is aware or bothered by those situations.  If you are one of those who are triggered, I encourage you to go within first of all to try to resolve your feelings of being not safe.  Please do not expose yourself excessively to the news, as all of that information is slanted, and I dare say, to trigger your emotions.  Remember that the dark side feeds off of our fear, and you do not want to serve up a tasty meal for them! 

So to recap, some of you reading this may be in unsafe situations.  That does not necessarily mean that you feel unsafe.  For those of you who do, do some work around this.   Remember that safety is an internally generated state, and you can feel safe in the worst of situations! 

April 2, 2023

Soul VS Higher Self

I received a comment/question in the last post on “Listening to Guidance”.  The reader asked if the soul and the Higher Self were the same.  My response is too long to answer as a comment, so here is my explanation.  Some of you may use different terminology for what I am about to explain, but the basic premise is still the same.

What is soul?  Soul is strictly a 4th dimensional construct.  It carries all of the patterning for our DNA, past lives, inherited diseases and physical difficulties, present life trauma, in addition to the map of our physical bodies.  The etheric body, or the blueprint for the physical, is generated out of the soul. 

When one experiences a trauma in early life, the soul is capable of absorbing that trauma into a part of itself and splitting that part off.  This is called soul loss.  Thus, the soul is capable of fracturing since it exists in the 4th dimensional realms of polarity.  Once the trauma is healed, that exiled soul part can come back and merge with the rest of the soul.  Because we exist in a 3D/4D world, we are all fractured to some extent.  Children can fracture very easily since they are so open and malleable until they get older.

When one is born, the soul enters the physical form of the baby just before, during or after birth.  While the fetus is in the womb, the soul can pop in and out occasionally and is always around observing.  Because the soul can absorb traumas, it can do so if the fetus experiences some difficulty, and quite often if the mother is experiencing a trauma, too.  That is why trauma while one is in the womb can affect one’s whole lifetime. 

If the soul does not enter the newborn baby at the right time, there is a still birth.  The soul can also decide that they have had enough of the whole experience, and leave before the baby is born.  Then one can have a miscarriage.  Either way, it is all part of the predetermined contract! 

The Higher Self exists in the lower bandwidth of the 5th dimension.  It is a unified field of energy that is non-polarized.  The HS orchestrates the incarnation of the soul from a higher level.  When one leaves the body for the last time and is able to pierce the Great Void between the 4th dimension and the 5th dimension, one’s Higher Self is there waiting on the other side to welcome you.  It is a graduation of sorts, and you no longer need to engage with the inherited and past life patterns that the soul was carrying. 

There is a hierarchy of sorts as one works their way up the dimensional levels back to the exit point of our universe.  Higher Self deals with just one soul unit.  The next level is the Oversoul, which manages several Higher Selves.  Above that is the Monad, which manages several Oversouls. And on and on.  If you picture your palm as an Oversoul, each finger would be a Higher Self, and the tip of each finger would be the individual soul that is generate by the Higher Self. 

So you can see that we as human incarnations are the end point of a process that comes from Source, into our universe, and all the way down through densities to where you are right now.  We are the end product, but at the same time, we are the summary of all of our experiences all the way back to Source.  One can also on some level connect with their Oversoul and then gather experiences from one of its other Higher Self and soul experiences.  This might explain how people can recall an incarnation as an extraterrestrial from another planetary system. 

So there it is in a nutshell.  Below are some photos from today’s hike. 

April 1, 2023

Listening to Guidance

This issue came up with a client recently, so I thought I’d write about it.  I am sure I have touched on it in previous posts.   So many people, in addition to my client, feel that they are disconnected from their Higher Self.  They think that if they could have a one to one conversation with that aspect of themselves, that they would receive some important information that would solve their life’s problems and let them know what their life purpose is.  Then all would be trauma free and fulfilling from that point onward!  All uncertainty would be removed. 

Nothing could be further from the truth.  As I was pondering this question a few days ago, I realized that in addition to everyone being firmly connected to their Higher Self all the time, we are also receiving a constant and uninterrupted stream of input from the HS.  Until this revelation, I had just been used to tuning into guidance occasionally when I had a question, kind of a “guidance on demand” situation. 

Another misconception is that if we could communicate with our HS and get input on how to make our life less problematic, all would be joyful and happy.  What a person does not realize for the most part is that our life is a co-creation between our soul and HS from before our birth, and even the difficult times are part of that creation.  So a Higher Self cannot give guidance that would change those pre-birth soul contracts. 

One also cannot have a verbal conversation with their HS.  If you find that that is happening, it is very possible that your mind is creating that conversation out of the interpretation of who knows what.  Certainly, it may be comforting, but also highly inaccurate. 

Our Higher Self communicates in signs, symbols, intuitions, synchronicities, body sensations, and coincidences, etc.  Not directly with words.  I realized this week that those communications are happening all the time if we would just pay attention.

So what prevents our ability to listen to and see those signals?  Mental noise is a big factor.  We are generally so busy nowadays that our minds are spinning with non essential information that we feel we have to deal with.   Not to mention working through past and future events that keep us from being in the now moment at all times.  There are also a wide variety of fears and phobias to deal with. 

There may be a lack of trust in the guidance that we perceive.  That would cause one to over think or ignore the guidance.  What about self sabotage?  How about living in a busy and distraction laden external environment?  As you can see, the list is endless. 

One of the keys here to listening and acting on guidance from your Higher Self is to calm down, eliminate distractions as much as you can, and ask the monkey mind to step aside once in a while.  Regular meditation is a good way to achieve this.  Simplify your life to remove unneeded distractions.  Really evaluate your personal relationships to see which ones are supportive of you, and which ones draw your energy and pull you off your center.  Really pay attention to what is going on around and inside you.  Trust and act on what is coming to you without judgment.  You may need to do some healing work around trust, self sabotage, and self judgment.  Most importantly, go with what you get from a clear and unbiased place.  Take a chance. 

Remember that this stream of information comes from a place outside of time and space.  At this level, all is known all the time!  At some point, you will realize that the answers come even before you pose your question.  The eventual outcome is that you will have no questions, and you are living in the flow from your Higher Self.  Then, all you have to do is put one foot in front of the other in your daily life, trusting that you are on your path and are being guided forward.  I am talking about the true “spiritual” path here.  No frills, no processes that you have to do, no one to follow, no courses or information that you have to learn.  Most importantly, no mental manipulations that you have to engage in.  Everything you need is already there.  All you need to do is listen and observe, and then act trusting that you are on the right path.