May 4, 2024

Walking the Labyrinth

A few hours ago I participated in World Labyrinth Day here in Cedar City.  We had a small group of walkers, and the energy was sublime!  I have also joined a Tuesday night healing circle on line through the Lifeline Center, founded by Dr Darren Weissman.  He has created an amazing technique based on his training as a holistic chiropractor, with additional techniques from acupuncture and oriental medicine.  During the session, he makes extensive use of muscle testing to lead the group through the releasing of long held trauma from an early age.  I have found those weekly sessions to be very helpful.

One of his favorite sayings is “We are a miracle made up of particles.”  I think about that a lot.  Of course, there is much more space than matter in physicality, and because of that, I think that those particles can be moved around and rearranged through intent and consciousness. 

The theme for World Labyrinth Day was creating peace.  I firmly believe that peace has to be created within before we can experience it in our outside world.  So my intent winding my way into the center of the labyrinth was to let go of anything that was not creating peace in my life, whether it was a physical, relationship or behavioral issue. 

On the way out is when the walker brings in all of the positive energy that is available from many sources, including from the higher dimensional vortex that is created in the center of the labyrinth.  I added copious amounts of gratitude and appreciation at this stage.  This is when I focused on my “particles” and the spaces in between them by observing and amplifying the incoming positive energy. 

At first, the spaces in between started to light up and glow.  Then they expanded, pushing the particles further apart.  I found that fascinating as I wondered if the spaces would get so big that I would disappear on the spot!  At one point, I did get very warm, assuming that that was as my vibration accelerated. 

Then as I walked, I could sense/see minute threads of energy that formed a matrix connecting all of the particles to stabilize the whole thing so that the spaces would not shrink down.  The last change was when the threads of energy went out past me and into the surroundings, connecting me to who knows what!

Walking a labyrinth is a very powerful process, but one has to do that often to really get the hang of it.  Setting and maintaining a solid positive intent is a necessity, too.  If any of you would like to share your experience of today, feel free.  

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