July 29, 2023

Walking the Labyrinth


I just got home after walking our local last Saturday of the month labyrinth, and thought I’d write about it before those memories fade.  Earlier this week I had a lot of dental work done and my mouth is still sore today.  My dentist is excellent, but he can be kind of brusque and rough, as he was this week.   I like to have a specific intent for any spiritual process, and I thought that this would be a good one.

When you process in this way, it is necessary to get into an altered state at the beginning.  I do not recommend a sitting silent meditation, because the mind can wander way too much, making the process frustrating and somewhat unproductive.  Any walking meditation where you can focus on the walking and not on your environment is ideal.  That is why labyrinths are good for this.  Or perhaps walking on a track, indoors or out would work. Look at your feet and do not look around too much.  That will help you focus on the issue at hand.

When I woke up this morning, memories were already coming up to be cleared.  Specifically, I remembered the sore throats that I used to get before I had my tonsils taken out.  My dad popped up in those memories, as he was always the one who would mother us when we were sick. 

This is how my labyrinth walk progressed.  My father was a dentist, and he would work on our teeth instead of sending my sister and me to another dentist, which would have been better.  The next memories that came up were of having fear around going to his office on a Sunday afternoon to have my teeth worked on.  There was a conflict here, as the father that would protect was the same one who was required to cause pain through the dental work.  My current dentist just served to trigger these memories!  Thank you! 

As these memories came up, I intended to clear them from my DNA and past lives.  Being in the sacred space of the labyrinth made this pretty easy!  To do this, one goes to their observer state, acknowledges the memory, and sends it off as if you are blowing on a feather.  You do not engage, create a story or embellish the memory in any way.  Watch it float away. 

What will happen is that more memories or energetic patterns will show up, widening your scope of issues.  I then recalled a local news story from the past several days where a woman’s boyfriend brutally killed her 3 month old daughter.  Boom!  That took me to the theme of the brutality that men use on women and children, a common theme for mankind going back through the ages on planet earth.  This issue was pretty broad.  I assume that I had experienced some of that as victim or perpetrator in DNA or past lives, so I intended to clear all of that, too. 

I then touched on my veterinarian’s behavior, which can be brusque and no nonsense, too!  I wonder what my cat thinks about that?  She is elderly, and I would like some compassionate care at the end of her life, but may not get it from him. 

So all of that went on until I reached the center of the labyrinth.  That was the release phase.  After spending some time in the center honoring all of the elements, kingdoms and Source, I entered the positive outcome phase on the way out.  This usually goes faster, as embodying the positive is more of a general affair and can be much simpler. 

There you have it.  It is important when doing this to be serious about letting things go once and for all.  Do not look back.  Be in the now with all of this at all times.  If there are physical issues that tie in, be patient to see how they resolve.  More memories may come up, so let them go in the same way. 

The photo at the top of this post is from Yellowstone National Park.  The flowers are a reminder of just how beautiful we all are! Always remember that we are spirit having a temporary physical experience. 

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