June 18, 2024

The Megalithic World

After a short trip to Denver, I am ready to start posting on my recent trip to England, Stonehenge, and France, Carnac.  As with previous trips that I have written about, this will not be a travelogue of the whole trip.  Instead, my focus is always on the unique and unusual events that come about in addition to interesting energetic and spiritual aspects of the particular trip.  Even though this was an archaeological trip, I was always aware of what the energy was doing in each location.  For the first time ever on any trip, I brought my pendulum along to do some dowsing, with some very interesting results! 

I have always been fascinated with megalithic architecture, which can be found all around the world.  Megalithic means prehistoric monuments made up of or containing large multi ton stones.  I had been to some of the sites in England before, but not those in France.  In England, the area where we visited had stone circles, henges (round ditch and bank affairs), long barrows (ancient tombs), and megaliths.  In France, there were menhirs (large standing stones like the one above), Dolmen (tombs), alignments (long lines of standing stones), and the occasional tumulus (an artificial mound that covers a grave).  All of these were constructed during the Neolithic Age, or Stone Age, from 4800 B.C. to about 1500 B.C.  We saw a lot of really old structures built without metal tools.

Questions I hoped to answer involved the people who built these, how did they do it, for what purpose, and especially how and why they chose the site for their tomb, grave, or monument.

This is where the pendulum came in, as I was checking for high energy locations.  I assumed that every place we visited was special in some way to the ancient people.  Some retained their special energy, but many did not.  The photo above is of the Champ Dolent Menhir, our first stop upon arriving in France.  It was quarried around 4500 B.C., making it older than Stonehenge.  It is 30 feet tall, weighs 120 tons and was quarried from a place 4 KM away and dragged to its location where it was erected.  It is the tallest menhir in Brittany. 

When I tuned into its energy, I got a strong upwards flow that shot out of the top like fireworks.  That reminded me of Apu (sacred mountain) energy.  Very strong and powerful.  Wow!!!   What a great megalith to hug.

So who brought it there and why?  I assumed that the location had a special significance, and that the massive stone was erected there to mark that special energy.  What a monumental effort that took!  And how many people participated in an area of low population compared to now.  I don’t even have a clue as to how that was done, although one assumes that the stone was pulled and rolled on wooden logs.  I did not get the sensation of floating as I have gotten in many other places such as Peru. This was also not a quick process.  It may have taken many years to quarry it and get it to its location.

So I will continue to post only the interesting and significant events of the trip.  Some locations will be left out as they were not notable. 

On another note, Summer (for the northern hemisphere) Solstice is coming up in a few days.  Remember to do some sort of ceremony.  We have a 5 day window, so you can even wait until the weekend for that.  I plan on going out to the Parowan Gap to observe and also bury a small medicine bundle to call in the rain.  We are in the midst of a big heat wave, and the coming of the monsoon rain always helps to cool things down.  Of course, I will also do a bowl burning in my back yard! 

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