June 29, 2024

La Roche aux Fees

This morning we checked out of our hotel in Vannes and started to make our way in the direction of Paris for our departure.  BTW—the Olympic torch was passing through Vannes later in the day.  Also, if any of you are familiar with the show “Escape to the Chateau”, we were in that general area of France.  Very beautiful!

Our morning stop was at La Roche aux Fées.  It was named the Fairies’ Rock because it was believed that fairies had built it in one night.  It is a Neolithic dolmen, or gallery grave that is 19.5 meters long, 6 meters wide and 4 meters tall.  It is made up of about 48 stones totaling 500 tons of shale with the largest stone weighing 45 tons, all hauled from 4 km away.   It was built between 3000 and 2500 B.C. and is the largest in France and the best preserved dolmen in Europe.  The entrance is aligned with the Winter Solstice Sunrise.

La Roche aux Fées is situated in a very beautiful park like setting with picnic tables, and is a very family friendly place.  Anyone is free to climb all over the dolmen, as it is practically indestructible! 

From what I understand, multiple burials are placed in a dolmen over sometimes hundreds of years.  The body is left outside until the flesh is gone, and then the bones are placed there.  That is not the end of it, as the bones can be taken out from time to time for what I am assuming are ceremonies, and they are also occasionally rearranged inside.  The dolmen that I have pendulum tested on this trip all had no energy.  This was the exception, as the pendulum swung vigorously clockwise inside it.  Why this was, I do not know.  Was this because of the stone that was used, the location, or the spirits of the dead that may have been lingering there?  The whole placed had a kind of fun and elevated energy.

Next to the dolmen was a very old and gnarly tree.  Just for kicks, I decided to put my hands on it to see if I could get anything.  Wow!  The energy was so active, and the tree was vitally alive, even on the dead part where I had my hands.  It communicated that it was a village, and played host to many beings.  I suspected that it meant that these beings were not only the local insects and birds, but perhaps spirit beings as well.  Maybe some of these were the notorious fairies! 

What a lovely interlude as we made our way to the last stop on this trip, the town of Chartres.

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