June 21, 2024


Two days ago, some political activists sprayed an orange powder onto some of the stones at Stonehenge.  It was first thought that it was orange paint, but apparently whatever it was was easily washed off.  We were just there a few weeks prior to that event.  What a shame it would have been if there was permanent damage. 

Stonehenge has to be one of the most fascinating places that I have had the privilege to visit on my travels.  This trip was my 4th one there.  The first 2 were with friends just looking around, and the 3rd one was in 2012 with a spiritual group, so I never really got the whole gist of the place.  If you are interested in the complete story, again I highly recommend Maria Wheatley’s book “The Secret History of Stonehenge”.  Here is her website.  All kinds of information on Stonehenge can also be researched on the internet. 

The other times I visited, we drove into a small car park at the visitor’s center and just walked over to the site.  Things have sure changed since then!  There is now a very large car park quite a ways away and a new very large visitor’s center.  From there, one can either walk, take a shuttle part of the way, or all of the way to the monument.  Then there is a security gate to go through before getting on the pathway that encircles the site.  Even with the crowds, things seemed to be managed very well.  It is also easy to get lots of good photos without people in them, as there is a little fence there to keep people from going up to the stones.  And guards around, too. 

We had 2 visits in one day, which was more than enough to see everything.  In the afternoon, we had a chance to purchase items in the visitor’s center.  I got a bluestone polished sphere and a bluestone bracelet, which I am wearing now as I write.  Bluestone is a dark bluish stone with silica specks in it, resembling a starry sky. The smaller stones at Stonehenge are made up of this stone, which was brought from Wales.  The larger stones there are sarsens and were hauled from about 20 miles away.

In the afternoon, our group took the shuttle half way from the visitor’s center with the purpose of walking the rest of the way while our local guide Mike lectured.  Unfortunately, Mike was fond of more talking than walking, so another of the ladies in the group and I went on ahead, as we really wanted to get some good photos.  By the time we got all the way around the enclosure, Mike, with the rest of the group in tow, had just made it there and it was time to take the shuttle back to the parking lot.  I know that many were not happy that they did not get the photos that they wanted.  (BTW-This was one of the only trips I have taken where there were other people with actual cameras!  About half of us were photographing.) 

As I walked, I was testing with my pendulum.  No motion meant no energy present, a straight line up and down meant that I was walking on an energetic pathway, and a circle meant that I was detecting positive energy.   The whole way around the enclosure my pendulum was moving clockwise, meaning that the energy coming from the center where the stones were was radiating far out from there.  In Maria Wheatley’s book, she shows a map of the underground streams that converge into the center of Stonehenge where there is an aquifer, thus creating an energy vortex.  Clearly this is why the ancient people chose this spot.  Now what method they used is not known.  It could have been dowsing with a pendulum or rods, or even some sort of spiritual guidance.  So even the casual tourist there would be exposed to a higher dimensional and undoubtedly healing energy. 

After a quick dinner in the area, we went back with special permission for our private evening experience.  We were then allowed to go into the actual monument, but were cautioned not to touch any of the stones.  I took with me in addition to my pendulum, my crystal skull “The Traveler” to be energized, and the blue stone sphere that I had purchased earlier in the afternoon.  The Traveler has gone with me to every sacred site I have visited with the purpose of being imprinted by the energy and then transmitting that energy to all of my other skulls once I get back home. 

For whatever reason, after reading Maria’s book, I was very interested in testing the energy of the Altar Stone.  This stone is one of the bluestones and is lying on the ground partially buried after being knocked over by a fallen sarsen stone.  The whole inner area yielded a big and strong clockwise motion of the pendulum, but when I asked about and located the Altar Stone, the pendulum just went nuts with an extremely strong motion.  Below are photos of this stone with my skull and the bluestone sphere next to it.  They were positioned just at the edge of the stone, and not on top of it, but that did not seem to matter.


After I left them there to soak up the energy for a bit, I picked them up and proceeded to walk around, still testing, and occasionally touching the various stones with The Traveler.  I guess I was pretty sneaky doing that, as none of the guards saw me!  Below are some photos.  The smaller skinny stones are the bluestones, and the big ones are the sarsens.

After my encounter with Stonehenge, The Traveler informed me that he was complete with his trip and didn’t want to be energized by the other sites that we were visiting.  He did not want his Stonehenge energy tainted or diluted in any way.  So for the rest of the trip he stayed on a red cloth in my hotel room.  I did not opt for maid service, so there was no one to freak out upon seeing him!

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