June 19, 2024

Salisbury Cathedral


The first 3 nights of the trip were spent in the quaint town of Salisbury.  Salisbury Cathedral was especially impressive.

I love photo opportunities of interesting architecture.  Here are a few of the inside of the cathedral.

Its spire is the tallest one in England.  Gothic cathedrals were designed with spires that could draw higher dimensional energies into the center of the church.  Of course, this was within a religious context, but my sense is that anyone could take advantage of this higher dimensional spiritual energy. 

So when our little group tour was finished, I sought out this highly energized spot.  I first had to find out where it was.  I was directed to look for a round hatch way up in the ceiling that I assumed might give access to the spire for whatever reason. 

Then, I went to a place directly below that.  I do not know what the reason for this was, but I found a very large shiny black table/altar there. If you look at the bottom of this photo, you will see a black fountain in the foreground with the light colored base of the altar just behind that.
I saw that behind the altar were 3 chairs, and the one in the center was labeled as the Bishop’s chair.  Hmmm! 
Not only was the spot directly below the uppermost tip of the spire blocked off so that one could not stand right there, but the nearby energized area was reserved for the elite of the church.  The designers and builders of the gothic cathedrals purposely created the method for drawing in higher dimensional energy.  I wonder if the intent was for the whole congregation to experience this, and the elite took it over for themselves at some point. 

So I hung around and took photos of the reflections off of that highly polished surface.

Then I sat on one of the chairs, but not the center one reserved for the Bishop.  While I was doing this, a woman dressed in a long black robe with a white collar was lurking around.  I am sure that she was one of the higher ups just checking out what was going on there.  I wonder if she would have come over to me if I had sat in the Bishop’s chair.  

Here are a few extra photos of reflections off of the fountain from the photo above.

BTW—The Salisbury Cathedral has one of 4 original copies of the Magna Carta on display.  That was truly impressive. 

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