September 1, 2023

Unity Consciousness

This past weekend, I hosted our remote launching group to come and spend 3+ days in beautiful SW Utah.  Planned activities included ceremony at the top of Brian Head Mountain, where there is a very powerful vortex, a day hiking at Zion National Park, an opportunity to walk the local labyrinth and an in person launching, among others.  All these activities were designed to enhance their spiritual healing and evolution. 

I have had all of these people in classes that I have taught, in-person launchings, healing sessions, and other unrelated trips.  They know each other well, but hadn’t gotten together in person for several years.  I was looking forward to a few days of camaraderie with like minded souls, something that I rarely have any more.  Unfortunately that was not to be.  For a variety of reasons that I will not go into here, the group never really gelled.  I do trust however that everyone got what they needed from the experience as a whole.

Our last activity was the launching.  My intent was to experience the structure of unity consciousness.  After expanding my consciousness, I experienced myself as a clear bubble floating in space.  Around me were other clear bubbles of the same size.  We were all identical.  We then came together and merged into one bubble.  As soon as that happened, the process repeated with more bubbles of the same size coming together into an even larger bubble.  And over and over.  

Now I am not saying that we all have to be the same.  That would be pretty boring.  But for a group to truly come together there has to be a common intent and similar vibrational level.  This is especially true for spiritually evolving beings.  That is why it can be so hard for us to find like minded souls and activities that are fulfilling on many levels.  Nevertheless, our primary goal should always be to do our own work to the best of our abilities at all times.  We may not find our kindred souls until we pass out of our physical bodies for the last time! 

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