September 9, 2023

The Life Review

It has been widely reported by near death experiencers that upon leaving their body and going through the tunnel of light, they have a life review.  This involves seeing a rapidly moving “summary “of their life’s experiences.  The life review is often described by those who have experienced it as "having their life flash before their eyes".

It is my understanding that during this review, positive and negative aspects of the life are shown to the person.  Notice that I say “shown”, as this is not an organic dumping of the consciousness’s remembrances.  Whoever is in charge of this process orchestrates the whole thing.  There is some kind of harvesting of memories going on here. 

The aspect of the life review that I would like to address here is the viewing of one’s mistakes and how their misdeeds have affected others.  This is most often experienced by the person as if they were feeling what the other person felt at the time.  Thus creating guilt and regret for one’s past actions. 

This is where the scam takes hold.  Keep in mind that the whole reincarnational process is designed to keep humans stuck here so that they are recycled lifetime after lifetime.  Why?  We provide food for the ones orchestrating this through the stimulation of our negative emotions.  That is the food that is created for their consumption.  No humans, no food, so we are not allowed to escape.  BTW—I believe that in ages past, a few were able to leave the 4 D arena, but for whatever reason, very few if any have gotten out for thousands of years.  Perhaps the vibration of the planet was higher in the past making it easier for one to raise their own personal vibration and leave. 

It is important to be informed as to the true spiritual nature of our life here.  First of all, we are all following a plan set out by our higher aspects, soul, and those that we have chosen to interact with this time around.  It seems like there are “victims” and “perpetrators”, but that is simply an illusion and the collaboration between 2 souls for their mutual growth and evolution.  And perhaps just for the experience that that scenario provides!  No harm no foul.  Just the learning.  When one hurts, damages, or kills another, that is part of the plan and the agreement between the two. 

So what is there to regret?  What is there to be guilty of?  Nevertheless, knowing this does not give one permission to wreak havoc willfully.  There is a clear moral compass built into a truly spiritual life. 

Getting back to the life review, the whole thing is designed to stimulate guilt and regret so that the soul desires to come back into another incarnation to try to do better and make amends one more time.  Having this belief system guarantees that one will never get it totally right, thus experiencing the never ending loop of the reincarnational cycle. 

I also realized quite a while ago that any thought or emotion that comes up and causes us to feel bad about ourselves is an ET program!  If that feeling comes up for me, such as when delving into certain past events, I just tell myself that it is a program, and the self judgment melts away.  I refuse to create food for whomever. 

What I recommend is that all of you really embrace the knowledge that every interaction between you and another is a pre-planned co-creative collaboration no matter what it looks like in real time.  There is no guilt and no regret.  You are just following your script!  What do you do if you find yourself in circumstances where a life review has started to flash before your eyes?  Don’t get sucked in.  You can even refuse to watch!  If you have just left your body upon death, I am hoping that you have enough escape velocity to zoom right through the 4th dimension where all of this funny business takes place, thus avoiding the whole issue altogether.  Then of course, you have escaped and are free to pursue other experiences out of the 4D matrix. 

Knowledge is key.  Be informed and embrace a paradigm other that what has been promoted by the ones who would like to keep us here.


  1. It could be a situation when a 'back up' of some crucial memories, those a person isn't sure of, why they happened in his/her life, is being made upon a death experience. Then it's sent to a 'cloud-computing' sort of archive up there in another dimension to a group of beings to watch and analyze them. They may eventually learn from these as well. Whether the person finally dies or not, these beings can redirect the person, teach, explain, go through these memories again and again until the person is sure why things happened. If they die and plan on reincarnating anytime again, they have an access to the back-up and then they add more to their could-space in another lifetime. If they don't reincarnate at all, they can watch these pictures like a movie, memories from the Earth (or other planets) :)

  2. Interesting take on how the "handlers" could use our personal information!

  3. I needed to be reminded of that. This blood hound sniffed her way here this morning! -dawn

  4. In essence the human realm and the after life spirit realm are both part of the simulation/corruption to enslave our Divine Spark into believing the simulation is real. Carla, do you think it is possible to get to the original contract 'to believe the simulation/dream is real' and clear it? That would go a long way to aid in waking up.

    1. I think that the waking up comes first, and along with it would come the understanding of our situation. We are not victims, and in some sense all agreed to be stuck here. Look at how many ways we keep ourselves stuck in life! Once one starts to live a life of freedom and liberation in all aspects of life, the waking up will show us the way out. I am also not sure that this is contract situation in the normal sense. Perhaps clear the contract and wake up is not the solution.

  5. Related to this, it bothers me that there currently is so much glorification of guilt and shame in our society!

    So many minority groups use it towards everyone who fits in a "supposed" evil privileged majority group category, even when the individual person in question has never done them any harm at all! They say things like who must feel bad about being in the "supposed" evil privileged category, we must shut up and dan't say anything while they are allowed to rant about how evil and privileged we are, even if as an individual we never did anything wrong to them and most absurd of all, we must apologize for things we never did!

    I once say a man on youtube say that he was terribly sorry for all the awful things he did to women, and he was not refering to things he did as an individual in this current life but he was apologizing for all the awful things that happened in history to women while he as an individual was never even present at, had a part in, or could even possibly control if he wanted to, all of these awful things that happened in history to women. And all of the other commenters on youtube were generously praising him for admitting his "supposed" male privilege! Even if in that situation I'm in the "supposed" minority group myself because I'm woman myself, I still think that's utterly ridiculous nonsense, how he allowed himself to be a punching bag for the bad deeds of others he himself had no part in at all!

    I have even read that professional psychologists say that guilt is a good thing because it's supposed to give us a conscience and empathy, and they claim that without it we would be evil beings without empathy and without a conscience.

    I'm not buying that one for sure, not matter how many studies prove it... Raising our vibration and connecting back to our higher dimensional aspects will automatically gives us both spiritual and emotional intelligence, we don't need guilt and shame for that
    I also feel that there's always some hidden suppressed resentment element towards the guilt tripper/shame tripper when one feels guilty and/or ashamed. . Guilt tripping/shaming someone else is just some emotional manipulation tool for the guilt tripper/shamer because their own scarcity consciousness thinks it's the only way for them to get something they desperately crave to have or have their needs met.

    Must be some type of off-planet agenda that currently so many people glorify guilt and shame and also a part of the plan to keep them in the reincarnational cycle for as long as possible, I guess.

    Guilt and shame are extremely low vibrating emotions we beter strive to completely ged rid of, both in feeling them ourselves as well as projecting them on others!
