January 26, 2023

"Be Here Now"

The title of this post refers to the book by Ram Dass written in 1971.  Talk about timeless wisdom!  I am not recommending or critiquing his book, but instead writing about my recent experiences of being in the now moment. 

We live in a world of infinite and repeating now moments.  Each one of these is fresh and new, meaning the possibility of a new start.  That is, if we work it correctly!  If we can be really present at all times, without dragging past events or future fears into that moment, this is where we can make changes and tap into our highest aspects. This is a true spiritual process. 

A few days ago, I ran into one of my square dance friends, and she was asking me about the outfit that I wore to the previous weeks dance.  I didn’t have a clue.  I had to go home and look in my closet to see what she was referring to.  So sometimes being present in each now moment feels like a loss of short time memory!  Or in my case, too many senior moments.  Ha!  That can be frustrating.

If one has a particularly active mind, thoughts of the past or plans for the future can be intrusive.  It takes a lot of reminding of the mind to bring it back in to stay present.  I like R J Spina’s method of repeating “Who am I?” to clear the mind and come to the now moment.  I actually use this method when my mind is occupied with who knows what. 

Depending on your particular disposition, you may frequently work over something that happened in the past, or have some anxiety about something coming up in your future.  These responses can be driven by already existing distorted energy patterns, and can be helped when these patterns are healed. 

In our world of polarity, each issue has it’s opposite ends, and we tend to swing back and forth between them.  As the issue is resolved, the line of polarity becomes shorter and shorter, until it does not exist at all.  This is the now moment, and in this moment, the opportunity arises to shoot straight up into a higher version of yourself.  That is the true gift of the now moment. 

Now, this also means that a lot of what has occupied the mind is let go of and seemingly forgotten.  This may feel a bit disorienting at first, but the thing to remember is that the information is not lost, it is just accessed in a different way and in a different place.  Probably what we would call the Akashic records, quantum field, Greater Self, or any other higher dimensional location where the totality of you exists.  You just have to learn how to go there to access that information.  In my case, with the square dancing example above, I went into my closet! 

In another case, a few days ago I was presented with a custom made outfit for an upcoming wedding.  Part of it didn’t fit, and I was wracking my brain to try to figure out what to do.  It wasn’t until I went to bed and my brain started to relax that the solution came to me.  That was my now moment.

So you can see from what I am saying that your inner and higher guidance system can take the place of trying to work everything through the mind.  Pose your question or dilemma, quiet the mind in the now moment, and let the solution just appear to you.  This can be easy and very fulfilling, as you are tapping into that part of you that knows better than your rational mind does.       

I am convinced that this is the way that we humans are meant to live.  In the now moment and following higher guidance at all times.  How wonderful that would be! 

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