(Please note that what I am writing here is my opinion as an energy healer, and not as a trained psychologist!)
Occasionally, I get contacted by a prospective client who is dealing with what they describe as an entity that is talking to them, telling them to do certain things, or perhaps generating body sensations or moving their body around. In addition, they have been dialoguing with this entity for quite a long time, and have created a “story” around what is happening. This situation has now become quite disturbing to them and they want it to stop. Before even working with them, I recommend that they stop engaging with what is happening and divert their attention to something else. For whatever reason, this seems to be hard for this person to do!
Throughout my many years as an energy healing practitioner, I have encountered numerous attached earth bound spirits, extraterrestrials, and dark force entities, etc. I know how to recognize them and they are fairly easy to remove from the client’s energy field. In the vast majority of cases, the client is not experiencing anything overtly distressing, and does not even know that these things are there. The general issue that the client presents improves after the session.
However, in cases that are extreme, where the client is excessively attached and engaged with the dark energy, an improvement may not happen. A single 2 hour session with me is not the answer. Yes, I will do the work and remove any dark energy attachments that show up, but the client may still experience the same disturbances as before.
I will sometimes turn away a client like this rather then waste their time and money on something that may not give them the results that they seek.
After being approached last week by yet another person with these kind of issues, I sat down and asked my inner guidance for some answers to this dilemma. Here is what I got.
A person may or may not automatically rebound back into a healthy psychological state after the dark energies and attachments are removed. Some people have been dealing with these disturbances for years before contacting me, so that is the day to day state that they are used to. This does not change overnight. Why? The brain pathways of victimhood, distress, beliefs, memories, and “story” do not shift that quickly, even though I give the client homework to do after each session to keep the healing momentum going.
Literally, the client is still immersed in the interactions that they had experienced even after the offending energies are removed. They can even recreate their problem, but interestingly enough, with the entity no longer there! Of course, I am speaking from experience here. Years ago, I did a healing session on a man who had seen many practitioners before me with little result. He perceived that an attached entity was telling him to shave all of the hair off of his body and wear woman’s underwear, among a whole host of other issues. This had been going on for quite a while, and he even managed to hide this from his wife of 33 years! A few months after working with him, and not having found anything unusual during the session, he contacted me again. He had had healing sessions from additional practitioners with no result and wanted my advice. Not knowing what else to suggest, I recommended that he see a psychologist or go to his local Catholic Church and request an exorcism. Turns out that I was not off base with those recommendations!
The old brain pathways need to shift after a session, and that is not something that I can do for a client if they cannot do that for themselves. So, my guidance suggested 3 different approaches. Shamanic ceremony, intensive cognitive therapy after a session, or an exorcism done through a Catholic church.
A shamanic ceremony done in conjunction with a healing involves chanting, drumming or rattling, herbs, hallucinogenic substances, smoke, rhythmic dancing, and can go on until the wee hours of the morning. Many members of the community are involved, and so there is group support for the afflicted person. An authentic ayahuasca ceremony done in the jungles of South America might do the trick, too. I do not recommend the ayahuasca ceremonies that have been done in the US in the past few years, as they are not the same.
I have also suggested cognitive therapy for many clients, to enable them to shift their outlook on life on a continuous basis after I work with them. As I am not a therapist, that is not my job. The client needs to be seeing someone regularly. That also goes for drug or alcohol addictions, which are issues that I do not work with. Those clients need to have regular support in their communities through AA, NA or the like. After they are clean and sober for at least a month, I will then work with them.
As for the exorcism, the client needs to apply at their local Catholic church to be evaluated and accepted for that process. You do not need to be a Catholic to do this. The first step is to be evaluated by a psychiatrist to see if an exorcism is warranted. If it is, the actual process can take hours, days, weeks or in some cases, months. Part of that process involves having the client bring to awareness as to how they invited the dark energy into their lives. That means that they take responsibility for what is happening to them.
These 3 suggestions that came to me certainly would help the client rework their brain pathways into a different and healthier state. I do have great empathy for those who are suffering, and there seem to be more and more people in those situations as time goes by. The dark side is fighting to keep their hold over humanity more now than ever. On the other hand, people in these situations need to acknowledge that they are not victims, and to stop colluding with the dark energies that may be attached to them. Do not give your power away by engaging! This only feeds the problem.
So there it is.
My best solution for what may be going
on. One of the reasons that I wrote this
post is so that I can give it to potential clients who are seeking my help with
these kinds of problems. If any of you
have alternative ideas, feel free to comment!
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