August 8, 2022

So, Now I am Danish!

Well, not quite!  A lot has happened after finding my biological grandfather through Ancestry.  His name was Henning Otto Blom Carlsen, born in Denmark.  Carlsen should have been my maiden name.  Thus, my father had 2 half brothers from the Carlsen side, and his younger brother from his mom’s side is now a half brother, too.  So after the readjustment with all of these new relatives, I now have 2 new half uncles and 7 new half first cousins, not to mention their children.  You can read about the start of my journey in a previous post here. 

I spoke with one of my new half first cousins a few days ago, and we still have no clue as to how my grandmother Bessie and Henning got together.  Henning was a married man with 2 sons at the time.  Perhaps we will never know! We have exchanged photos of our dads, half brothers, and they do resemble each other. 

The plot thickens.  During a conversation with a friend who does psychic work, we determined that in a roundabout way, my grandmother included a nod to Henning in my father’s name.  Father’s middle name was Hynek, which is a nick name for Heinrich.  Henning is also a nick name for Heinrich!  Coincidence?  Who knows?

There is more.  I spoke with a long time friend, Liane, who lives in Wisconsin, and who is half Danish.  Her 100% Danish mom and that branch of her family all lived in the Danish neighborhood of Chicago, where grandfather Henning and his family and relatives also lived, about the same time.  Could they have known each other?  It is definitely a possibility.  Could Liane and I be distant cousins?  Very possible.  How wild is that!  Liane is going to contact Ancestry and have her DNA done, and then we will see.  Perhaps her mom will do that, too. 

This web of relatives is expanding exponentially.  I have been thinking about how all of humanity is related to each other, not only genetically, but on a soul level and also through our mass consciousness.  Literally, harming another person means that we are harming ourselves.  This could be physically, emotionally, or even with our thoughts.  Also, when one heals themselves on an energetic level, that shift spreads out to others.  That is the 100th Monkey effect.  That is why I say that the change starts with the individual and radiates out.  Change cannot be affected by attempting to change the consciousness of a group if the individuals within that group still need healing. 

What will come of my new Danish affiliation, time will tell.  I suspect that more of the story will come out in the future.

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