This past Wednesday night, I got a surprise phone call from my remote viewing instructor, Paul Smith, who lives near me in Cedar City. It turns out that he had spent the better part of that day being filmed and interviewed by a 3 man film crew from Australia. He wanted to know if I would like to participate in an outbounder exercise the next morning. As luck would have it, my Thursday morning client rescheduled, and I was free. I had never been filmed before, so that would be a new experience. Apparently, the crew was filming for a new Australian TV show about the US that had just gone into production.
So what is an outbounder remote viewing session? When RV was being developed at the Stanford Research Institute, they did a lot of these. One of the goals was to prove psychic ability. The process is this. A selection of locations in the area are put into individual unmarked envelopes. The locations should be distinctive as to their features, and easily distinguishable from other locations. The people involved in the outbounder are split into 2 teams. Team #1 chooses an envelope at random, opens it in secret, and goes out to the location that is in the envelope. Team #2 consists of the monitor and the viewer, who stay behind at the lab, office or classroom. When team #1 gets to their location, they let team #2 know, and the viewer starts remote viewing the unknown location. This is generally done with people who have not done any remote viewing before, and surprisingly, the viewer does fairly well under these circumstances. This is sometimes called the “first timer effect”!
While at that location, team #1 looks around and tunes into the ambiance of that place, in addition to the structures, textures, colors, smells and sounds, etc. The viewer at the same time is describing what they are psychically picking up from the location through the people that are actually there. At a pre determined time, team #1 lets team #2 know where they are so that the monitor and the viewer can go there to see how well the viewer did.
Paul has done this exercise many times with people who have no knowledge of remote viewing, with excellent results for the novice viewer. In 2017, Actor Rob Lowe and his 2 sons came to Cedar City to do an outbounder with Paul for their TV series “The Lowe Files”.
So getting back to Thursday morning, I met Paul and the film crew at Paul’s office. Paul and I had to be miked up! I had been asked to pick a local location for the outbounder, and had to keep it a secret from everyone, as not only does the viewer have to be blind to the target, but the monitor Paul has to also. I drove with the producer Steve out to a place called “Park Discovery”, which is the photo above and those below.
It is a great place for children, and also has enough interesting elements for a remote viewer. Upon arrival, we let Paul know that we were there, and he asked the viewer, John, to start writing down his descriptions and sketches. At the same time, I walked around and took in the details of the location. That took about 15 minutes. The producer then texted Paul that we were done, and he and the viewer and the camera man, another Steve, drove to our location. We all looked at what the viewer had written and drawn to see how his impressions matched the location. The viewer did a fairly good job for a beginner, and Paul liked my choice of the target location.
I have mentioned the Australian producer and the viewer, but not the camera man so far. Since they only had one camera, he could only film one person at a time, so a lot of the shots were duplicated several times focusing on each person in turn. That was quite an experience. Between the camera man and the producer, they had to cover everything. The 3rd member of the team, the viewer John, was the only one actually on camera with Paul and me. Of course, the tedious editing would come afterwards. Paul called me later that evening to let me know that the crew left $50 for me as a payment for my services. I thought that was nice. Paul also mentioned that there might be more outbounder opportunities for me in the future. Fun!
I hope that all of what I have explained here is not too confusing. The outbounder process has also been explained in several books that talk about the early days of remote viewing. I do not know when this episode will air in Australia, and I hope that Paul will get a copy of the show. Actually, I am not sure that I would like to see how I did! Maybe a lot of my footage will be edited out. I’ll let you know.
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