May 29, 2022

May Launch

It is Memorial Day weekend here in the states.  I don’t know about other parts of the country, but here in Utah, it is cool and windy.  Not the best weather for a backyard barbecue!  BTW—I will be going to one tomorrow, Monday.  I hope my hosts have plans for indoor entertaining in case the weather gets worse!

The launchers met today for our monthly get together.  As often happens, a common theme runs through the various journeys.  Today, the theme was for personal healing, and I like to think that those who needed this got a good result.    

My intent for the launch was to firmly anchor myself into a location far beyond the 3D/4D matrix.  My aim was to find a location from which I can source not only my spiritual evolution, but my daily activities. 

Upon taking off, I found myself inside a tube that was lined with rainbow colors.  This was the 4 D part of the journey.  As soon as I traversed the Great Void between the 4th and 5th dimensions, the inside of the tube became glowing white.  I remember the point at which the tube went through the portal leading out of this universe.  That opening looked like a red doughnut, and I heard a “pop” when I went through. 

At that point, the tube widened out until I ended up in a vast infinite area full of patterns and templates, shapes and forms, whole or in pieces.  I labeled this a “causal” plane, as it seemed to be the place where all form originates.  Here creation was instantaneous.   I saw myself merely pointing a finger, and the patterning for something would just appear. 

What was interesting was that I was in a totally neutral place with no ego, intent, plan or purpose to my activities.  Nothing was originating from me at all. I was just the instrument through which Source or the Creator was working.  I was just carrying out the plan.  Fascinating! 

So how could I live like this in my daily life?  First of all, I have long recommended that as spiritually “re-membering” beings, that we do not take up any cause.  And, there are plenty of causes to attach to nowadays!  This would only keep us in the realm of polarity and stuck in the lower dimensions.  I can also see the advantage, even if difficult, of staying as neutral as we can at all times.  This way, the plan of Creator/Source can flow through us more easily.  We can become the instrument of the Divine, so to speak! 

My hope is that as a result of anchoring into this causal location, I can more easily live the life that I experienced there.   Of course, we will all eventually end up there at some future time.  Wouldn't it be nice to bring that heaven to earth right now?

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