April 29, 2024

A Rare and Beautiful Plant

Last week, on my way down to St George Utah to attend a 3 day birding festival, I decided to drive a bit further south near the Arizona border to try and find the rare and endangered dwarf bear-poppy.  After I read some reviews from last year, I found out that it did not bloom at this time, probably because the cold weather lingered longer than normal.  I knew where to go, and was hopeful that the poppies would be blooming.  I was rewarded handsomely with some amazing sights!

The dwarf bear-poppy is a rare and threatened plant that only grows in a few spots south of St. George.  It is so rare that a special restricted and fenced off property was created for its protection.  The White Dome Nature Preserve was my destination for that day.   There is also a rare and endangered cactus that is protected in the preserve.   The preserve was created to protect these plants from the rapid development that is happening in that area. 

If you look at the photos, you can see that these beautiful plants grow in a very harsh and barren environment.  In fact, other than some other native wildflowers that were there, there were no weeds!  Below are some of my photos. 

So how does all of this relate to you?  Do you consider yourself to be a rare plant struggling to survive in a harsh environment?  I bet a lot of you do.  In fact, the human race on this planet is quite a rarity in the cosmos.  We have been somewhat artificially engineered by off planet races to be in the form that we are today.  If you think about it, you can see that we have probably been in survival mode for eons as we are always at odds with the natural world. 

And yet, we have survived, just like the poppies.  What I recommend is this, that you treat yourself with love, respect, and kindness always.  You are a rare and sought after gem among off planet beings.  Our multidimensional and holographic DNA makes it so.  If each and every one of you would just recognize this, life on planet earth would change in an instant. 

So shine your light, no matter what your current circumstances are.  Be the rare plant in the desert! 

1 comment:

  1. I think our multidimensional DNA points the way toward getting us out of survival mode!
