April 1, 2023

Listening to Guidance

This issue came up with a client recently, so I thought I’d write about it.  I am sure I have touched on it in previous posts.   So many people, in addition to my client, feel that they are disconnected from their Higher Self.  They think that if they could have a one to one conversation with that aspect of themselves, that they would receive some important information that would solve their life’s problems and let them know what their life purpose is.  Then all would be trauma free and fulfilling from that point onward!  All uncertainty would be removed. 

Nothing could be further from the truth.  As I was pondering this question a few days ago, I realized that in addition to everyone being firmly connected to their Higher Self all the time, we are also receiving a constant and uninterrupted stream of input from the HS.  Until this revelation, I had just been used to tuning into guidance occasionally when I had a question, kind of a “guidance on demand” situation. 

Another misconception is that if we could communicate with our HS and get input on how to make our life less problematic, all would be joyful and happy.  What a person does not realize for the most part is that our life is a co-creation between our soul and HS from before our birth, and even the difficult times are part of that creation.  So a Higher Self cannot give guidance that would change those pre-birth soul contracts. 

One also cannot have a verbal conversation with their HS.  If you find that that is happening, it is very possible that your mind is creating that conversation out of the interpretation of who knows what.  Certainly, it may be comforting, but also highly inaccurate. 

Our Higher Self communicates in signs, symbols, intuitions, synchronicities, body sensations, and coincidences, etc.  Not directly with words.  I realized this week that those communications are happening all the time if we would just pay attention.

So what prevents our ability to listen to and see those signals?  Mental noise is a big factor.  We are generally so busy nowadays that our minds are spinning with non essential information that we feel we have to deal with.   Not to mention working through past and future events that keep us from being in the now moment at all times.  There are also a wide variety of fears and phobias to deal with. 

There may be a lack of trust in the guidance that we perceive.  That would cause one to over think or ignore the guidance.  What about self sabotage?  How about living in a busy and distraction laden external environment?  As you can see, the list is endless. 

One of the keys here to listening and acting on guidance from your Higher Self is to calm down, eliminate distractions as much as you can, and ask the monkey mind to step aside once in a while.  Regular meditation is a good way to achieve this.  Simplify your life to remove unneeded distractions.  Really evaluate your personal relationships to see which ones are supportive of you, and which ones draw your energy and pull you off your center.  Really pay attention to what is going on around and inside you.  Trust and act on what is coming to you without judgment.  You may need to do some healing work around trust, self sabotage, and self judgment.  Most importantly, go with what you get from a clear and unbiased place.  Take a chance. 

Remember that this stream of information comes from a place outside of time and space.  At this level, all is known all the time!  At some point, you will realize that the answers come even before you pose your question.  The eventual outcome is that you will have no questions, and you are living in the flow from your Higher Self.  Then, all you have to do is put one foot in front of the other in your daily life, trusting that you are on your path and are being guided forward.  I am talking about the true “spiritual” path here.  No frills, no processes that you have to do, no one to follow, no courses or information that you have to learn.  Most importantly, no mental manipulations that you have to engage in.  Everything you need is already there.  All you need to do is listen and observe, and then act trusting that you are on the right path.


  1. "What a person does not realize for the most part is that our life is a co-creation between our soul and HS from before our birth, and even the difficult times are part of that creation."

    Our soul and HS, are these not the same?

    1. No they are not. The next post will talk about that!

  2. Swinging back and reading this again, I'm left curious about communication with the soul; is there communication with the soul, in some way, i.e., akin to that articulated above about communication with the Higher Self?

    Next step, read the next post ... again.

    Thx for both posts, in any case!

    1. I suppose that there would be communication with the soul, depending on what you would like to communicate about!
