Last night I drove out to the Parowan Gap to view the Winter Solstice Sunset. We have been having unusually warm weather here for the last few weeks, and the sky was mainly clear. I attempted to do this last year, but I was in the wrong place, and the sky had clouded over by the time the sun set.
The temps were in the high 50’s when I arrived, and only got down to the high 40’s when I left. I had a general idea about where to stand to see the alignment, but luckily, there was another person waiting up on the slope, so I headed in his direction. Below is the hill where the viewing area is located. In the close up you can see a lighter horizontal line in the grass which is a level place where people sit or stand. I made it to just below that.
Here is a marker for the site. You can see how dry the ground is.As I stood a bit below where the man was, several cars arrived down in the parking area. So there was a group of about 12 or so people there. That was a good turn out!
Here are some photos of the progression of the sunset. The whole thing was done by about 5:05 PM.
As I was watching the sun make its sliding descent into the pointy part of the gap, I could feel that its energy was focused laser sharp and very concentrated. I let this energy hit me full force and as a result, my heart area felt like it was ignited and expanded. I gladly accepted the gift from Inti Tayta, our Father Sun.
The day of the Winter Solstice is probably the most important one for the native people here in North America. That is why so many ceremonies occur at this time. In Gregory Little’s book “Path of Souls, the Native American Death Journey”, he writes about how ancient ceremonies at this time of year assisted the souls of the recently deceased to enter the afterlife.
For me, this is the start of my New Year. It is a time for introspection and planning. It is a time to plant the seeds of intent for the coming year. As the days start to get longer, the sun ignites those seeds.
As I came down off of the observation hill, walked back to my car and drove off, I checked to see how far off I was the year before. Turns out that I wasn’t that far away from where I was supposed to be after all.
So Happy Winter Solstice to everyone! Since there is a big energetic window for
both solstices, you still have a few days to do some sort of ceremony. I will also be posting a bit of prediction
for 2025, and will be doing my usual workshop for Angela Zabel, “Setting your Energetic
Template for 2025” around the first of the year. Stay tuned!
sorry my hihger self orkistrator! i wish you the best year to you my dear ;;;}