December 29, 2024

The New Year of 2025

Every year around this time I tune into the energetic patterns of the upcoming year.  I just ask and take what comes.  The information may resonate with you personally, but may also indicate trends for the world as a whole. 

So as I tune in, I see a multitude of cubes floating in the air, not attached to anything.  Our reality has become somewhat fragmented, and this pattern actually started towards the end of 2024.  Life has become compartmentalized.  You may start finding yourself literally jumping from one aspect of your life to the next without seemingly being able to connect the dots, so to speak!  There has been lately and will be into 2025 a lot of reshuffling, changes, relocating and changes of job and relationship status.  This will continue through the first half of the year.

This is not all bad, as this re configuring of reality is necessary in order to move into the next stage of our evolution. 

So how can you handle all of this?  First and foremost, stay grounded and in your body as best as you can at all times.  Staying present and in the now helps, too.  Now this may be uncomfortable for some of you, but know that all of this will eventually pass. 

If you can visualize or experience your life as the floaty cubes, then your job is to first of all, connect the segmented parts.  Then draw them together to make a whole once again.  Strongly resist the temptation to escape.  Apply gratitude and appreciation to all, and find joy in every activity.  Pay attention to every disturbance and do your best to process any undue emotional reactions.

Things should even out by midyear.  You will then find yourself in a reality that is not quite the same as what you experienced before!  2025 is also a 9 year in numerology, meaning that it is the end of a cycle.  Time to let go of what no longer serves to prepare for the new start in the 1 year of 2026. 

I think that letting go may be the key, too.  If one is present in each now moment, past issues are much easier to let go of. 

For me, 2024 has been a momentous year of new insights and energetic shifts.  For the past several months, I have been retrieving and reassembling my “parts” so to speak, and will be doing so into the future for a while yet.

To assist you in preparing for 2025, I will once again be presenting my annual workshop with Angela Zabel entitled “Setting Your Energetic Template for 2025” on January 7th.  The link for this will come in an upcoming post. 

Happy New Year to all, and may 2025 be the best ever for all of you!

December 22, 2024

A Very Profound Evening

Last night I drove out to the Parowan Gap to view the Winter Solstice Sunset.  We have been having unusually warm weather here for the last few weeks, and the sky was mainly clear.  I attempted to do this last year, but I was in the wrong place, and the sky had clouded over by the time the sun set. 

The temps were in the high 50’s when I arrived, and only got down to the high 40’s when I left.  I had a general idea about where to stand to see the alignment, but luckily, there was another person waiting up on the slope, so I headed in his direction.  Below is the hill where the viewing area is located. In the close up you can see a lighter horizontal line in the grass which is a level place where people sit or stand.  I made it to just below that.  

Here is a marker for the site.  You can see how dry the ground is.
As I stood a bit below where the man was, several cars arrived down in the parking area.  So there was a group of about 12 or so people there.  That was a good turn out! 

Here are some photos of the progression of the sunset.  The whole thing was done by about 5:05 PM. 


As I was watching the sun make its sliding descent into the pointy part of the gap, I could feel that its energy was focused laser sharp and very concentrated.  I let this energy hit me full force and as a result, my heart area felt like it was ignited and expanded.  I gladly accepted the gift from Inti Tayta, our Father Sun. 

The day of the Winter Solstice is probably the most important one for the native people here in North America.  That is why so many ceremonies occur at this time.  In Gregory Little’s book “Path of Souls, the Native American Death Journey”, he writes about how ancient ceremonies at this time of year assisted the souls of the recently deceased to enter the afterlife. 

For me, this is the start of my New Year.  It is a time for introspection and planning.  It is a time to plant the seeds of intent for the coming year.  As the days start to get longer, the sun ignites those seeds. 

As I came down off of the observation hill, walked back to my car and drove off, I checked to see how far off I was the year before.  Turns out that I wasn’t that far away from where I was supposed to be after all.

So Happy Winter Solstice to everyone!  Since there is a big energetic window for both solstices, you still have a few days to do some sort of ceremony.  I will also be posting a bit of prediction for 2025, and will be doing my usual workshop for Angela Zabel, “Setting your Energetic Template for 2025” around the first of the year.  Stay tuned!

December 20, 2024

Winter Solstice

On December 21st, here in the northern hemisphere, we are having the Winter Solstice.  Summer Solstice for those in the southern hemisphere.   This has always been the very most important day of the year for me, as it represents the start of the Solar New Year when the sunrises and sunsets start moving back in a northerly direction and the days start getting longer.  It is truly the highlight of my holiday season.

In a little while I will go out into my backyard to do my bowl burning, releasing what has not served me in the past year and embracing the new and fabulous outcome for the coming year.  I encourage all of you to do some sort of ceremony honoring this occasion.

We have had unusually warm and dry weather here lately, so the time outside this evening should be really nice.  As I did last year, if all goes well, I plan on going out to the Parowan Gap tomorrow night to catch the sun sliding into the gap.  I tried that last year and almost caught the phenomenon, but I was not quite in the right place.  If I make it, I will share photos. 

Today was our annual Christmas Bird count here in Cedar City.  This event is held all over the United States and Canada at this time of year, too.  Above is a photo of a very regal Bald Eagle that I took this afternoon.  Enjoy!

December 18, 2024

Working with Ken Lloyd

It’s been a while since I have posted here.  The reason for that is that I have been doing some pretty intense work with energy healer Ken Lloyd.  This has involved getting work done on myself in addition to learning some very interesting self healing techniques.  If you are interested in reading about his very unique story, you can go to his web site at 

Long story short, in 2018, Ken went through a spontaneous process where he experienced a soul infusion of 22 of his 5th dimensional and higher aspects.  Sometime later, he began speaking light language.  This language allows him to embody and transmit light codes from his 5D aspects for healing and ascension.  BTW—my definition of ascension is the attaining of 5th dimensional and higher consciousness, which is spherical and non-polarized.

I had never heard light language before, so it took some time to get used to it.  The reason that it sounds like gibberish is that the encoded information is coming through so fast that normal human speech cannot express it.  Some weeks ago, a client of mine spoke light language to me after a healing session.  To me, it was clearly Pleiadian.   Ken also speaks Pleiadian, Arcturian, and Andromedan in addition to the language of his oversoul aspects.   

Now, after several years of doing one on one healing sessions with clients, Ken is doing group healings and training groups of students to use his techniques.  I am part of the first group of students that he is training.  We are not only learning his healing techniques, but also receiving a myriad of light language codes for our own personal spiritual evolution.   Right now, the healing techniques are only to be used on ourselves for our personal healing.  I have to say, they have been very effective so far.  The plan into the future is for Ken to train healers to work on other people.  I am not sure I will partake in that training as I have a very effective healing protocol in place with the Quantum Sphere Healing that I now use. 

I do have to say that my work with Ken has enhanced my healing work with clients because of some pretty powerful energetic shifts that I have made personally.  At times, integration has been a challenge, too! 

So if you are interested in trying out some of Ken’s protocols, he does 30 minute group sessions every Wednesday evening, rotating through 4 different topics.  To find out about that, go to and look at the “Transformational Healing” sessions. 

December 6, 2024

Gratitude and Appreciation

During this holiday season, it is especially important to remember using the attributes of gratitude and appreciation.  This can be a crazy time involving family get-togethers, group activities, and travel to far off places, not to mention all of the drama and expectations around gift giving.  For myself, I try to keep the holidays very low key.  I do have to say that since I moved here to Utah, this time of year is not as dark energetically as it used to be in the past.

The energy of gratitude and appreciation is of a higher vibration.  By applying it, it serves as a kind of Teflon coating that makes everything go smoother.  It can also transform lower vibrational events into higher vibrational ones. 

How to do this?  

First one must have an intent.  Then, you generate these feelings within.  A good dose of self love is always helpful.  Finally, you project these feelings outwards to the target.  Using your breath helps, too.  Then hold that energy transformation for a bit and observe the shift.

Now, life isn’t always pleasant.  Since we live in a 4 D realm of polarity, there is positive and negative to everything.  There is a silver lining to every cloud.  Even the darkest cloud has this!  Applying gratitude and appreciation to any situation, no matter how distasteful it may be, raises your vibration and can shift the situation, too.

Of course, sending gratitude and appreciation to the beautiful and wonderful aspects of life is a way of being thankful.  Imagine going through life in this way.