September 7, 2024

My Next Step

As regular readers of this blog may recall, I am very interested in ancient archaeological sites around the world, in particular, those that have megalithic features.  With my travels this past year to highly energized sites, I have experienced a big shift in both my vibrational frequency and my interest in delving deeper into the beings who created these sacred sites and when they did this.  To that end, I am experimenting with different mediation and journeying techniques to get answers to my inquiries. 

Mark Carlotto’s books “Before Atlantis” and “Beyond Atlantis” are a must read if you are interested in this topic.  He has dated most ancient sites around the world according to their alignment with the four previous locations of the North Pole.  We are talking pole shifts here.  The oldest sites date back to about 130,000 years ago.  In a chapter on Peru in “ Beyond Atlantis”  he quotes researcher Jan Peter de Jong as describing this oldest  construction style as being “made in the living rock” looking as if it were “carved out of butter and cheese”.  He states that this carved bedrock is at the base of many of the oldest sites around the world.  Below are some photos from Saqsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu from my travels showing this fascinating phenomenon.

At Saqsayhuaman I actually got yelled at by one of the guards for sitting in one of these seats!

Here is a clearly ancient fountain at Ollantaytambo.  Note the next photo of a more modern fountain.


None of the tour guides on my trips have ever addressed this phenomenon, or even taken notice of it.  Some of these surfaces are even “vitrified” and are shiny like glass.  They are perfectly flat and corners are perfectly square.  I would like to know how this was done, and by whom.  Already, I am feeling that this ancient culture is currently in an energy form only, as they are of a high vibration and do not have physical bodies.  Will I be able to contact them and learn something?  I hope so.  Certainly they were here during a time of high vibration on this planet. 

In the mean time, I am getting ready for a week long road trip around Utah to look at rock art and ruins.  Much newer stuff than I am talking about here, but very interesting nevertheless!

September 2, 2024

For Crystal Skull Fans


For those of you who are interested in learning more about crystal skulls and how to work with them, you might be interested in a 90 minute workshop that I just signed up for.  It is entitled "Crystal Skull Explorers: Discovery and Remembrance" and will be presented by Joshua Shapiro and Aimee Mosco on Saturday September 7th.  It is in person and on Zoom, so that once you sign up, you can watch the Zoom replay any time after Saturday.  

Robert does not have a really up to date web site, but you can access all of the information on Face Book here.  You do not have to be a Face Book member to read all about it.  There does not seem to be a registration form, but you can contact Joshua directly to sign up and pay the $33 fee via PayPal.  There are some nice freebees included with your registration, too.  

In the photo above, I have some of the latest additions to my crystal skull family.  May you catch the crystal skull fever like I have!