May 22, 2024

On the Road Again

I can’t believe that I am getting ready to leave for another interesting and enlightening journey!  Next week I am flying to London to spend a few days around the Stonehenge and Avebury areas, and then spending the rest of the trip in Brittany and Normandy, France, to investigate the Carnac megalithic stone alignments.  The frosting on the cake will be the walking of the labyrinth at the Chartres Cathedral near Paris.  Our local labyrinth here in Cedar City is modeled after it, so this will be a thrill to actually walk the original. 

I normally do not do much research into where I will be going on an upcoming trip.  I prefer to be pleasantly surprised once I get there.  In this case however, I came across author and researcher Maria Wheatley and her fabulous book “The Secret History of Stonehenge: Ancestral Mysteries and Lost Civilizations”.  This was way after I planned this trip.  I immediately ordered her book, which is not sold on Amazon, and had to be sent with a lot of extra postage from the UK.  It is almost 400 pages long, and there is no way that I can finish it before the trip, so I am skimming through the most important chapters. 

You can go to Maria’s website here to get the full gist of what she does and where she does it.  She is also a master dowser, and as I write this, I am thinking that I need to bring my pendulum with me to do some investigating of the energy lines around the sites that we will be visiting.  This is an archaeological trip, so I do not know how much information will be imparted on the more esoteric aspects of the locations.  Nevertheless, I am really looking forward to tuning in as I go along. 

These megalithic structures were constructed during the Neolithic age between 4200 B.C and 2000 B.C., not only in the UK and Wales, but in Brittany and other places in Europe, Orkney, Malta, and by the Mississippian culture in the US.  These structures include stone circles, monoliths, henges, which are circular ditch and bank affairs, and barrows.  The barrows are burial mounds of the ancient elite that take various shapes such as long, round, bell or bowl.  Archaeological excavations have revealed that at the bottom of many of the barrows, there was a post hole in the chalk bedrock that once held an original monolith. 

My question is, how did the ancient Neolithic people determine where to place that monolith?  They must have had a method of detecting and measuring the energy flows of underground springs and ley lines.   Many above ground pathways and avenues were created on top of these energy flows, as I would imagine that the local people that lived there walked these sacred paths during ceremony and at special times of the year.   In Maria’s book, she has a diagram of the underground streams that converge on Stonehenge, thus creating a healing energy for those who visit there.  These energy flows undoubtedly were there before any of the various versions of Stonehenge were constructed. 

I know next to nothing about Carnac, so explanations on that area will have to wait until I get back.  We will be visiting Mont- Saint- Michel, and you can read about that here.   I had 6 years of French in school, and this magical location has stuck in my mind ever since. 

So much for the pre planning!  I also have a short trip to Denver when I get back, so photos and text may have to wait until near the end of June.  BTW—the photo at the top was taken after I spent time in Dorset teaching advanced healing protocols for shamanic practitioners.  That was in September of 2007.  Such a long time ago!  Take care until you hear from me again.

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