December 19, 2022

Winter Solstice

This week, on December 21 or 22, depending on where you live, we will be having the Winter Solstice for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, and Summer Solstice for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere.  This post is for the Northern Hemisphere folks.  If you live south of the equator, you can book mark this post to reference 6 months from now.

For me, this dark time is the most sacred time of year.  It is a time of reflection, introspection and intention.  The rising and setting sun on the eastern and western horizons shows a standstill for a number of days before starting to move again towards the end of December.  It is a time for you, too, to stand still in the in between world of endings and beginnings.  This does not even need to be on the exact day of the solstice, as the sacred window extends for a few days before and after that. 

So take a look at this past year and come to completion with all events.  Express gratitude and appreciation for all that has passed.  Then you can set your intention to create something new and more fruitful going forward, starting with a clean slate.  I always do a bowl burning on the evening of the Winter Solstice.  Here is a link to the post that describes that process. If you have a favorite ceremony that you like to do, now is also the time for that. 

As a heads up ahead of time, on January 4th I will be interviewed by Angela Zabel on her podcast “Amazing Soul”.  Part of the interview will involve my guided meditation “Setting Your Energetic Template for 2023”.  I will post the link as we get further up to that date.  The podcast will be recorded for those who miss it the first time, and the guided meditation can be done any time through January. 

Here’s wishing all of you a wonderful Winter Solstice and Happy New Year.  May 2023 be the best ever! 

Love and Blessings to you all, Carla