We’ve changed our launch schedule a bit, with no launch in November, one in December, and 2 in January because of holiday schedules. This morning we had 4 launchers for a very interesting and fruitful event, as usual!
Each day, I pull a card from my Osho Zen Tarot deck. This morning it was “The Master”. Coincidentally, as I was mulling over my intent for the launch, I intuited that I should ask for a message. OK. That was a first for me.
In addition, as I lay down getting ready, I perceived a group of energetic beings surrounding me. That is also quite unusual. Those beings did not launch with me, as they stayed behind around my physical body. I am assuming that they were doing some healing work on me today.
As soon as I launched, I encountered a male figure wearing a robe and sitting on a throne. That was my version of a “master”. He said “I am you and you are me”, and I was advised to embody myself as a master from now on. That must have been the message! We then went on a journey where I saw that I was revisiting all of the advanced ancient societies that I had lived in to gather up all of the esoteric and spiritual teachings that I had learned and taught. I remember Italy, Greece, Egypt, and some sort of jungle environment, but I know that there were many more.
He then took me off planet to do the same thing in other realms. That knowledge was different, as a lot of it involved some sort of spiritual technology not having to do so much with the physical world.
About that time, the “master” being has disappeared, and I ended up on a level that I will call causal, where the basic stuff of the universe was located. This is where manifestation starts out, as that causal matter can be manipulated to create something.
This is where things got a bit fuzzy and hard to define. I do remember my hands getting really hot as streams of bright energy came out of them. Same thing with my heart area. I was apparently creating something in this way, but I do not remember what.
I then saw myself walking the streets of my neighborhood exuding this new energy. It felt very empowering but at the same time, pretty isolating, as no one else here could do this. There was also minimal engagement with the earthly plane at the same time. As I write this, I have a sense that I was doing this in those ancient societies, too. Life was probably simpler then, and the vibration of the planet was much higher.
So there you have it. Where this will take me, I do not know. Perhaps none of this will come to fruition until I leave my physical body for the last time. At that point, all of these other worldly skills may come in handy as I negotiate my way out of this universe!
In the mean time, we have the very special day of the Winter Solstice coming up in a few weeks. This is a reminder to do something special to mark that most important day of the year. I will do my usual bowl burning, and maybe something else, too. It may depend on the weather, so stay tuned. Have a good one.
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