November 1, 2022

October Launch

This post is a few days late, mainly because I took the day off yesterday to go down to Zion National Park for a day of hiking before the next storm rolls through.  BTW—we already have enough snow up in the mountains here for the Brian Head Ski Resort to open a few weeks early.  It is the furthest south ski resort in the state, and the first to open this season.  Quite interesting for southern Utah!

This past weekend on Saturday I walked the local labyrinth, and then we had our launching group on Sunday.  A double whammy!  So my intent for the launching on Sunday was to experience the energy dynamic of a labyrinth.

When I walk a labyrinth, I am releasing what needs to go as I make my way to the center, where I anchor and expand the sacred space.   I then embrace the positive on my way out.  There are different ways to do this of course, but I find that this works for me. It is my sense that one is also unwinding and then rewinding the DNA to reflect a more positive patterning.

The labyrinth is a 2 D flat surface, but energetically, as I found out, it is a multidimensional construct.  This is what I was first shown in my journey.  As one walks the labyrinth with intent, a spiral of energy upwards is created, up to a certain point, and then a corresponding spiral that comes downwards in the opposite direction is created.  The interesting thing is that simultaneously the same formation is created going down into the earth.  These 2 spirals are mirror images of each other, as in the photos above. 

This energy goes out in all directions, and there are also multiples of these throughout the universe.  As I floated above this formation, what I got was that these are energy generators! 

So the next part of my journey involved positioning myself in the center of this double spiral, or if I was on a flat plane, in the center of the labyrinth. 

This is where it got very interesting.  The energy in the center felt very powerful and dynamic, and I labeled it “nuclear”.  It was not the gentle expansion that I am used to when dealing with higher dimensional energy.  Could this possibly be the way that a star generates energy?  Certainly our Sun generates a lot of power for the solar system, and I assume that all other stars do the same.  In addition, all stars are connected on a multidimensional level, core to core, so it is possible that they share energy through a vast network. 

Well, I will have to tune into this new energy dynamic the next time I walk the labyrinth.  This one is located in the Cedar City Episcopal Church, and there are 2 ladies that host it.  The last thing I said to the group on Sunday was “I wonder if the church ladies know what is going on here?”  They would probably be shocked! 

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