February 23, 2022

A Shift in Focus

Recently, I have been experiencing a shift in how I view my world, mostly thanks to really getting into the book I recommended in a previous post, “Supercharged Self Healing” by RJ Spina.  Now his approach may not be suitable for some of you, depending on where you are in your spiritual evolution, but I feel that I am ready for this shift. 

The book deals with physical, emotional and psychological healing, but it deals with these issues from the viewpoint of the “you” that has created your incarnation here, and that resides on the higher levels of consciousness.  The exercises in the book are designed to connect you to that part of you that is perfect in every way, and that has never been tainted by the heavy energy patterns that we are subject to in the 3 D and 4 D world of lower vibration where our physical, emotional and mental bodies exist. 

I used to think that if something distressing happened that caused some issues and an emotional response, that we had to think about it, process it, and emote all over the place.  That just gets us caught in a loop de loop that for some people, never seems to end.  I am not saying that this kind of working through issues is not appropriate for some, but at a certain point, one’s focus must be on our higher aspects.  Also, I am not encouraging you to stick your head in the sand and ignore what is going on.  We must always be able to respond in appropriate ways to whatever is happening around us.  Having a firm connection to our higher aspects, or “Greater Self” will also assist in times of distress.  Answers will be provided automatically. 

As I have said many times before, we are spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience.  That pure and perfect higher aspect that we each have extends itself into the density of this arena, and becomes tainted and damaged in the process.  Of course, this is part of the plan so that our higher aspects can experience and learn.  If we didn’t need this, we would not be here at all.

Be the observer of your life, or as Spina recommends, be a pair of eyes floating in space.  Always observing and seeing the bigger picture.  With this kind of perspective, it is easier to see what to do in any situation! 

So by using his techniques, I find myself to be more peaceful and calm, and not engaged in any one else’s drama.  How very nice it is! 

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