January 27, 2024

A Very Important Recommendation


I have been on Tom Kenyon’s mailing list for years.  He is am amazing sound healer and channel for the Hathors.  His communications contain very pertinent information for today’s spiritually minded people in addition to free sound tracks that go along with the theme of the writing. 

Back when I first started receiving his newsletters, he was putting them out at least once a month.  Through the years, that pace has slowed down, and in the last few years, he rarely communicated as he was on sabbatical.  It seems that he has reemerged from his quiet time, and is once again putting out some amazing stuff.

On the 19th, he sent out a message and sound meditation entitled “Flower of Life/Tree of Life Hathor Planetary Meditation”.  You can access it here.   Wow!!!  This one really packs a punch, and gives extremely helpful information for those on the spiritual path.  The sound meditation is about 5 minutes long and is free.  He does offer a much longer version for a reasonable fee. 

I have been listening to the longer version the past few days when I have time.  It involves bringing higher dimensional energy into one’s central channel down the spine, and then radiating that energy throughout the body’s nerves, meridians and energy channels and further out into the multiverse.   Very effective.

Today, I walked our local labyrinth.  As I have previously reported, when I spiral into a labyrinth, I am releasing what no longer serves me, and when I come out, I am embracing all of the positives that are due to me.  When I was releasing today, it felt like all of the heavy energy I was holding in my multidimensional embodiments was flying out of me.   Flowing like water!  This included all past lives, my embodiments in other dimensions, in addition to inherited genetic patterns and traumas. 

On my way out, I not only pulled in a lot of positive energy down my central channel, but, following Tom Kenyon’s directives, I could feel myself radiating that benevolent energy out to the multiverse.   I feel that because of Tom’s sound meditation, I have shifted into an entirely new way of working the energy of the labyrinth. 

He recommends listening to the sound meditation frequently, which I will do, to not only elevate one’s vibration, but to also be of service to all sentient beings.  Sounds good to me!  Give it a try.

I also recommend that you sign up for his newsletter at www.tomkenyon.com.  All of the previous writings and sound meditations are available there, too.  


  1. I’ve been listening to this everyday also. This is Stefanie btw

  2. Hi Stefanie--Wonderful!!! I feel that this is one of his most important works. It is a challenge to set aside time for the longer version, but even listening to part of it is very helpful.

    1. I also work with his The Celestial Sangha
