September 18, 2020

Ingo Swann

I am almost done reading a book by Ingo Swann entitled “Penetration, Special Edition. The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy”.  This book was first written by Ingo in 1998, and was republished with some extra information in 2019.  He was known as a famous psychic, renowned artist, and one of the creators of Controlled Remote Viewing along with Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff.  You can read all about him here. 

I had heard about this book during my CRV training, but it had been out of print until last year.  A good deal of this book deals with his perceptions of what is going on with the Moon, but the added chapter, “9”, deals with the “Psychic Probe of Mars”.  All fascinating stuff.  I am particularly interested in why the U.S. and the Soviets both (supposedly) discontinued their missions to the moon after Apollo 17 in 1972.  I have heard rumors that they were warned to never go back, and also rumors that there were 3 more secret moon missions after Apollo 17 that failed.  Ingo details his psychic investigations of the Moon, in addition to a very comprehensive explanation about the whole Moon issue.  There is a lot of evidence going back well over 150 years or so of strange things going on there. 

Several years ago, while I was still living in Colorado, one of the last men on the Moon, Harrison Schmitt, came to our area to give a lecture on his experiences.  Very interesting.  He was a very good speaker, and showed quite a few photos of his moon mission.  What I found interesting at the time was that when he did a Q & A session after his presentation, he only called on some of the children in the audience.  Was he told to do this?  Was this his method of avoiding some of the more confrontational questions that a knowledgeable adult would ask? 

Ingo’s title “Penetration” refers to the ability of one human to penetrate the mind of another through telepathy.  Apparently this is not a skill that the powers that be would like us to develop.  He is referring to government, military, science and the media.  This skill would also enable us to get into the minds of extraterrestrials.  Definitely not what the powers that be would be in favor of, as this might facilitate a back and forth communication between us and them. 

I also found interesting his take on how we humans like to engage with any new and novel concept or experience by relating it to things that we already know.  This may be why people tend to ignore a lot of the intuition that comes to them.  That input either gets ignored because we don’t know what to do with it, or it gets stuffed and reinterpreted into a box of something we are familiar with. Thus the novel information gets lost in the shuffle. 

Right away I saw how this concept was used by Ingo in his creation of CRV.  All of the input received during a session comes from our right brain, intuitive self.  Ideally, it flows into our consciousness and gets written down on paper immediately.  If there is any hesitation, the left brained analytical self gets a hold of it, and tries to put it into a box so it can understand the input.  This is called Analytical Overlay, or AOL, and is generally not considered accurate information for the session, at least in the beginning stages of the viewing. 

Anyway, if you read this book, you can see that Ingo was quite an original thinker with superior critical thinking skills.  I certainly can recommend it also if you are interested in how the colonizing of the Moon agenda just went away! 

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