September 2, 2018

Change is in the Air

We are in the middle of our annual Labor Day holiday weekend here in the states.  For those of us who live outside the Cortez city limits, including myself, and because of the ongoing drought, we ran out of irrigation water about 5 weeks earlier than we normally would. For me, this is how I water my lawn, gardens and fruit trees.  Luckily we have been getting rain off and on for the past few days, and that will continue for the next few days!  Yeah!!  Even as I write this, I can hear thunder in the distance, which means that we may be getting a nice afternoon shower.  What a change from the smoke filled air of just a few weeks ago. 

Perhaps it is the change in the seasons or the weather, but today I am guided to write about the latest energetic changes that we are currently going through.  So much focus is always put on the negative scenarios that are happening on our planet, and one must remember that there are a lot of positive things going on, too.  Where do you wish to put your attention? 

Currently, and for the past few months, there has been a very gentle and supportive energy coming to the planet that is encouraging positive change of all sorts.  In the past few weeks, I have worked on several clients who are at the threshold of a change in their lives that would propel them on a different and more satisfying path in life.  They have been aware of the needed changes, but have been unable to take that first step forward towards the new that is being offered, mostly because of fear. Often, it can be so hard for we humans to do just that, take the first step.  If one can muster up the courage to do that, things can get much easier moving into the future!   

So let’s assume that our Higher Selves are colluding with this positive wave of energy to encourage us to become more of what we should be during this lifetime.  Why would we turn that down?  I often get asked by clients about how they can communicate with their Higher Selves.  The key is to listen and take note of the signs and energies that are being sent to us all of the time.  Most people just don’t listen.   We do not communicate with that higher part of ourselves using spoken language, either.  It is more of an intuitive communication in addition to reading the signs. 

If you feel that you are at a choice point right now, in any way that is showing up for you, be it in your career, finances, living situation, relationships, etc., I encourage you to jump on any opportunities that may be presented to you.  What can you lose?   You are being supported by your Higher Self in partnership with this very gentle, uplifting and forward moving energy.  For myself, I am looking forward to some changes that have recently been seeded into my consciousness via my intent.  This may be all that you need to do, too, to get the ball rolling.  Then you just need to go on with your life and pay attention to the opportunities that present in the future and act on those opportunities. You certainly don't want to let any of that slip by, never to return. 

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