I have been working with Ken Lloyd extensively for the past few months. Ken is an energy healer who is assisted by his “team” of 22 higher aspects of himself. These are his Higher Self, Oversoul aspects and many off planet aspects as well. He uses light language channeled from his team to do the work, but not always. The light language is encoded for healing and also ascension frequency acceleration.
I have been aware for some time that each one of us has a higher dimensional team that is assisting, whether we realize it or not. My Quantum Sphere Healing work has never consciously made use of other beings, although now I realize that they have always been helping behind the scenes.
During one of Ken’s sessions, our group of students was guided to a place where we could meet our team. I am very visual, so this was easy for me. The door has finally been opened, although I do not channel these higher aspects as of now. I do ask for assistance if needed.
These beings
look very translucent and floaty. In
addition to my higher aspects, there are some Arcturians there as well that I
am conscious of. I suspect that there
are also Sirians present there, too.
I am so new to this that I am sometimes unsure what to expect. That is why, last week, I was surprised to see a new being show up, right in my face. He showed up outside of the place where I usually meet my team. He was clearly a male, and was dressed in a very ethnic/tribal outfit. His vibe was not like the rest of my team, so I know that he wasn’t one of mine.
I then contacted Ken to see if any of his team shows up independently of him to his students to assist them. He responded that that had never happened as far as he was aware. In fact he said that even in the location where we were guided to meet our team, his does not show up there either.
Then it hit me. I was looking at an earth bound spirit! When I work with these, they are very real and obvious to me. That is probably because they are stuck between 3 D and 4 D, still close to the earthly plane of existence. As I mentioned previously, my team members are translucent and floaty, and usually are wearing some sort of white robes.
It has been a very long time since an earthbound has come to me spontaneously like that. So the first thing I did was to investigate. I asked him to turn sideways and saw that he had a very long spear through his body from front to back. He had met a violent end.
Then I did what I always do with the earthbound spirits. I opened a portal of light up near the ceiling, and talked him through. When I was sure he was gone, I closed the portal.
This was a good experience as far as discernment goes. Do not take anything at face value. Check and recheck. Especially now as the veils between realities continue to thin, we need to be sure about what we are dealing with regarding the seen, the unseen, and all of the 3 D events around us.
I do not expect to start channeling my team any time soon, but at least I now know that they are there.