October 4, 2024

Quiet Time


I have entered a time of peace and quiet now.  That is entirely fitting for this time of year, too.  The leaves are starting to transition into their brilliant fall colors, especially in the high country where the aspens are particularly colorful this year.  Perhaps it is because of the prolonged heat wave that seems to have been going on for weeks! 

I am taking a break from a few weekly activities such as square dancing and remote viewing.  It feels like it is too much to be dealing with others who are not spiritually like-minded at this time.  Fortunately, I will not be traveling for several months, so I can take this opportunity to slow down as autumn sets in.

To support this quiet time, I am working with 3 individuals who I consider to be highly evolved spiritually.  First, there is RJ Spina.  His web site is www.ascendthefrequencies.com .   He has been presenting a once a month webinar on Self Healing with Q and A at the end.  The next one coming up is on October 27th.  Of course, his latest book is also a must read.

Next we have Dr. Darren Weissman, whom I have written about previously.  I participate in his Tuesday evening healing circle every week.  That is a 1 year commitment.  As of now, I do not know if I will continue after that.   His web site is www.thelifelinecenter.com .  

Yesterday, for the first time, I participated in the Transformational Healing Event with Ken Lloyd.   Along with his 22 walk in souls, he does a group healing and clearing using the language of light.  His personal story is fascinating, and I am sure that you can read all about it on his web site www.kenlloydofficial.com. 

Last but not least, my beloved cat Josie is starting to transition.  She is barely eating and sleeps most of the time now.  What is interesting is that she has been dreaming a lot.  Her little body twitches and moves around.  I am wondering where she is going in her dream time! 

So there you have it.  Time to really focus on my inner work.  Love and blessings to all of you out there!