November 23, 2024



Genuine happiness consists of the feelings of joy, contentment and gratitude.  It is strictly an internal energetic state, and is generated from inside of ourselves.  Now I am not saying that external circumstances don’t generate happiness.  Instead these circumstances may trigger our capacity to be happy.  A single joyful event that happens in front of 5 different people would elicit a variety of responses from each of them, according to their capacity for happiness.

What causes different happiness levels in people?  It could be anything from an inherited trait to early family programming.  Do you come from a family of whiners and complainers, or a family with primarily sunny dispositions?  Or do your life circumstances tell you that you do not deserve to be happy? 

Either way, you can generate those feelings within you.  You do not have to wait for an event to get those feelings going.  On a very basic level, happiness is a quality of higher vibrational levels.  It also has elements of contentment, well being and self love.  No one or no thing can provide that for you.  Of course, there are substances that you can eat or drink that will do the trick, but those habits are not healthy and the effects are temporary. 

Years ago I wrote a post about a friend who had a permanent brown cloud above her head.  I actually had several friends like that.  Now in these cases, I believe that they were suffering from some sort of depression, but that does not mean that they could not generate a happy vibe from within.  Maybe you know someone like this.  If you are sensitive, that low level energy could be very hard to be around.  It was difficult for me, so I had to limit my interactions with them.  Isn’t it more pleasant to be around a genuinely happy person?

So the next time you are not in a good mood or feeling sad or discontented, look within for a solution.  Any pursuit that raises your vibration should help.  I recommend daily meditation and expanding your Core Essence, or getting out in nature for a walk.  Or perhaps recalling a time when you were happy and re-anchoring those emotions.  Absolutely do not pursue happiness outside of yourself as that is only a temporary fix and will lead you down a blind alley. 

November 18, 2024



What is an attachment?  An attachment is a strong connection to a person, place, or thing.  From my standpoint, this usually looks like a cord or stream of energy between the person and what they are attached to.  Here are some examples.

When someone relocates, it is common to stay attached to the previous location.  The result is that one’s energy is split between the 2 places, which does not serve either place.  One must very consciously pull up their roots from the previous location and repeatedly anchor their grounding cord into the new place until it feels solid.  Also, being in the now at all times tends to erase the memory of the previous place to make grounding into the new location much easier. 

One can be attached to things.  Not uncommon!  We all have favorite items that we use every day, or a favorite car, or beautiful things that we have collected.  There is nothing wrong with having material things, but it is our attachment to those things that can cause problems.  A lot of stuff can really weigh you down and lower your vibration.   One of my guilty pleasures is the show “Hoarders”.  For some reason, I am fascinated with the psychological issues that these people have that causes them to obsessively cling on to their possessions, including garbage! 

The most important category of attachments is from one person to another.  An attachment occurs when there is an expectation of the other person’s behavior.  Expectation creates attachment, and where attention goes, energy flows.  In these cases, the energy is flowing back and forth between the two.  The problem is that this is not an equal flow.  Someone always gets most of the heavy energy, and the other person ends up with most of the positive energy. This is mainly an unconscious pattern, although there are cases where someone attaches and is deliberately sucking another’s energy. 

So the point of this post is to encourage you to look at the attachments that are created by your expectations, and heal that need within yourself to attach.  Remember that any attachment to people, places or things will weigh you down and deplete your energy.  In these times of energetic acceleration and change, none of us can afford for that to happen.

November 16, 2024


What is drama in relation to how a person is acting or communicating?  Drama happens when a “story” is excessively embellished verbally or physically with an excited or loud voice or exaggerated physical gestures.  A lot of heightened emotions are on display including histrionics and hysterics.   Does that sound familiar in light of the political craziness that our country has just gone through this past year? 

We all know drama queens (or kings).  What is their ultimate goal for carrying on in this way?  First of all, they need attention.  Perhaps they did not get enough of that whey they were young, or they have a diagnosable psychological condition.  They may just want to feel better about themselves.

Once they have your attention, use your inner/higher guidance system to detect which way their energy is flowing.  Is it outwards towards you, or from you into them?  If you are a sensitive person, either energy flow will not feel particularly good to you. 

If the energy flow is going out to you, quite often in a forceful manner, that means that the dramatic person is dumping their heavy energy onto their surroundings.  For someone who still has their chakras, the 5th or throat chakra, is called the smoke stack of the chakra system.  If one is not grounded, the heavy energy that builds up in all of us during the day cannot be purged down into the core of the earth to be combusted.  It backs up and comes out the throat chakra, often in some sort of distorted verbiage.  The result is that you feel heavy and even sick after one of these interactions when you have been dumped on.  For me, it feels like I have been slimed. 

If their energy flow is facilitating their feeding off of the energy in the room (or you) and taking it back into themselves, in these situations I say that “the big straw is out”.   If you are on the other end of this dynamic, you might feel energetically drained or also sick. 

So what to do?  First of all, distance yourself from the drama.  Leave the room, hang up the phone, etc.  If you have been dumped on, use your physical hands to gather up the other person’s heavy energy from your body and throw it back at them.  If you have been drained, make sure you are grounded and expanded and that will replenish your own energy.  Firm boundaries are always a must, too. 

What I have described here is one of the reasons why people who are healing their own issues and raising their own frequencies frequently disconnect from friends and relatives who are carrying on this way.  One’s circle of people may get smaller until those of like mind start to gravitate to you! 

November 13, 2024



 A story is an explanation of an event, opinion, attitude, or trauma that a person has experienced.  We all have stories!  Its how we deal with them that makes a difference.   Why does a person repeat their story over and over?  Perhaps they forgot that they had already told that story in the first place.  Or they feel that they are not being heard.  In a lot of cases, the story has taken on a strong life of its own, and it may be the first thing that pops out of a person’s mouth in conversation.  That person unconsciously identifies with their story, even though it may no longer be true. 

In particular, I would like to write about a story that one has adopted in relation to their healing process.  When I work on a client, I get a sense of what they would like to work on based on the story that is told to me at the start of the session.  Now, I rarely believe the whole thing, as I need to be shown the real issue during the session.  This can be quite different from what the client thinks is going on.

After I am done, I give the client their outtake report of what was done during the session, but I ask that they do not write any of that down.  I am just describing what has been cleared and is no longer there.  The client gets homework to reinforce their new healed state.  A person can literally reverse the healing if they hang on to their old story. 

I have been attending some of Ken Lloyd’s events, and he addressed this issue recently.  He not only does not give any kind of explanation on how he does his healing process during the outtake, but does not want to listen to any client’s story before he works on them.  Story keeps a person attached to their trauma so that healing is not as effective. As you can tell, his sessions tend to be very short, about 20 minutes, because he has eliminated the "talk".   All he needs is a few sentences on what is bothering the client. 

I have several friends who are so attached to their story that they may be manifesting that very limited future.  One is convinced that she is getting dementia because it runs in her family, and another, who is in her early 70’s, feels that she may only live another 10 years because other family members have died in their 70’s. 

So really examine the story that you are telling yourself or repeating over and over.  Don’t put yourself in a box.  Do not limit your potential.  After all, for spiritually evolving beings, there is no limit to the healing and evolution that we can experience.  Approach each day as if it is brand new without dragging something from the past with you.  If you are living in the now, there are no stories anyway!

November 12, 2024



I have decided to do a series of short posts on various topics that have to do with how a spiritually aware and evolving person goes through their daily life here on planet earth.  Of course, our time here as a spirit having a temporary human experience is all about the process, not about any goal.  So we are not here to prove anything or attain anything.  We are just here for the experience.  Our experiences may be very pleasant, or quite negative.  In the final analysis, they all carry equal weight.

That gets me to the topic of “reacting”.  As I observe myself reacting to various external events, I can see how that reaction serves to pull me off of my center if I focus too much on that event.   My job then is to pull myself back into observer mode thus being totally objective about what is happening.  That way, I can act appropriately instead of reacting randomly.  Or not act at all! 

So pay attention to ways in which your reactions are triggered in you.  I am referring to what is put out by the mass media, entertainment, the nightly news, and lately, information from the political arena.  What about how many people are subtly trained to react whenever their cell phones alert them to an incoming call or text!  Do you feel uncomfortable about turning your phone off just to get a bit of peace and quiet?  How about family dramas?  Or if you are running a codependent/caretaking pattern and automatically react to help someone in need?  The list goes on and on. 

I am not saying that you do not help someone if they really need help, but only if they ask, and only to the extent that you are comfortable.  Your inner/higher guidance system will tell you when to stop.  

Keep in mind that many current events happening around the world today are deliberately orchestrated to create reactions and divert our attention away from who we really are and what we are doing here.  Those events can be selectively amplified for greatest negative effects by the mass media.   Talk about population control! 

So just pay attention to when you are reacting to the extent that you lose yourself.  Pull yourself back and return to your core self and connection to your I AM presence.  Your guidance system will steer you in the right direction. Remember, there is no such thing as an emergency, accident, or victim.  All events are orchestrated by a person’s Higher Self and life plan. 

October 30, 2024



For quite some time now, I have been participating in the Life Line Center’s regular Tuesday night healing circle live on Zoom.  This is run by Dr. Darren Weissman.  As he leads the group through the Life Line protocol, he is doing it for himself at the same time.  That way, he is serving as an example of how the process works.  Also, at certain places as we go along, he asks for feedback via the chat. 

So yesterday, October 29th, as we were coming to the end of the session, Dr. D asked “What is your revelation from the session?”  When he tuned in to get his revelation, he got a very surprised look on his face.  He said that this had never happened to him before.  When he asked for his revelation, he got the sound of “meow”. 

I put in the chat that that day, October 29th was National Cat Day.  He was flabbergasted, and this whole episode briefly threw him off of his flow for the webinar.  After we all had a good chuckle, he got back on track and finished up. 

So what did this all mean?  Clearly, cat energy had come through him in a very meaningful way.  For me personally, I took it to be a message from my deceased cat Josie.  Now, I usually do not go in for this sort of thing, but I do understand that signs from the dead can occasionally appear.  Was this from her personally or instead from the great Lord of Cats to honor the day?  After e-mailing Dr. D my observations, he mentioned that he also had a deceased cat, hinting that the 2 cats might have been hanging out together in the great beyond.     

So it is important to pay attention to the signs and messages that come our way every day.  Even something subtle can be meaningful to us.  Keep in mind that we are approaching Halloween, which is a very highly energized time of year.  Magic can happen, so pay attention. 

Happy Halloween to all!