Genuine happiness consists of the feelings of joy, contentment and gratitude. It is strictly an internal energetic state, and is generated from inside of ourselves. Now I am not saying that external circumstances don’t generate happiness. Instead these circumstances may trigger our capacity to be happy. A single joyful event that happens in front of 5 different people would elicit a variety of responses from each of them, according to their capacity for happiness.
What causes different happiness levels in people? It could be anything from an inherited trait to early family programming. Do you come from a family of whiners and complainers, or a family with primarily sunny dispositions? Or do your life circumstances tell you that you do not deserve to be happy?
Either way, you can generate those feelings within you. You do not have to wait for an event to get those feelings going. On a very basic level, happiness is a quality of higher vibrational levels. It also has elements of contentment, well being and self love. No one or no thing can provide that for you. Of course, there are substances that you can eat or drink that will do the trick, but those habits are not healthy and the effects are temporary.
Years ago I wrote a post about a friend who had a permanent brown cloud above her head. I actually had several friends like that. Now in these cases, I believe that they were suffering from some sort of depression, but that does not mean that they could not generate a happy vibe from within. Maybe you know someone like this. If you are sensitive, that low level energy could be very hard to be around. It was difficult for me, so I had to limit my interactions with them. Isn’t it more pleasant to be around a genuinely happy person?
So the next
time you are not in a good mood or feeling sad or discontented, look within for
a solution. Any pursuit that raises your
vibration should help. I recommend daily
meditation and expanding your Core Essence, or getting out in nature for a walk. Or perhaps recalling a time when you were
happy and re-anchoring those emotions. Absolutely
do not pursue happiness outside of yourself as that is only a temporary fix
and will lead you down a blind alley.