January 29, 2023

January Launch

Currently, I am in the process of getting ready to go out of town for a big family wedding.  This has not been an easy process so far, as it involved a custom made dress that didn’t fit and had to be altered, lots of changes in plans, new plans, and some goofy family drama.  Being a highly sensitive person, I have been tuning in subconsciously to all of this, and my normally calm demeanor has been a bit disturbed.  I leave on Wednesday, and will be meeting up with relatives that I haven’t seen for a number of years.  I suspect that that is when the energetic action will really ramp up! 

I should mention that the Osho Zen Tarot card that I drew this morning was “Breakthrough”.  That will come into play later.

So my intent for today’s launch was to be able to set myself up in the best way possible for the upcoming trip.  As I was reclining and getting ready to be launched, I detected several non corporeal beings hovering around me.  This is highly unusual as I had experienced this only 1 or 2 times before.  I greeted them and thanked them for being with me.   In retrospect, I think that they were always there but I normally do not notice them. 

When I launched, I quickly went up a tube of energy.  These energy beings were surrounding the tube all the way up.  It felt like they were holding space for me.  I then started smashing through a series of horizontal glass like plates, hence the “Breakthrough” tarot card.  This felt like I was breaking through ongoing family issues like gossip, comparing, demands, jealousy, etc.  Just what I needed!

I came to rest in a purple colored zone for a bit.  For me, purple is the color of transmutation and transformation.  Coincidentally, the custom made dresses for our family wedding are all purple!  I then ended up in a totally dark void space, and waited there, too.  This blackness gradually lightened up, and I then shot up to the familiar source zone of the golden honey color.  At that point, the group called me back from my journey. 

Each launchee and then the others describe their impressions after each launch.  My friend, Kathleen, who is very psychic, writes down her impressions for each journeyer.  She was so excited to report that the first thing thing that she wrote down for me was the word breakthrough!!!  Of course, this was before I revealed my card pick for the day.  

I feel like I got much clearing, healing and support today for my upcoming trip.  I may get there, and everything will be just fine, but it never hurts to do some damage control and clearing beforehand.  I now know that those energy beings will be with me the whole time, and that I broke through some family patterns that may cause trouble in the future.  That feels very good. 

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