September 17, 2024

9 Mile Canyon


On Tuesday we visited 9 Mile Canyon, which is southwest of Price.  I had been there once before, but was sure that I missed some of the rock art panels because I did the whole thing in an afternoon.  The whole canyon is much longer than 9 miles!  

We were joined by Leroy as our guide.  He grew up on a ranch in the canyon and knew the area  intimately.  He took us to many rock art sites in addition to telling stories about the past and current doings in the canyon.  

The main attraction there is the Great Hunt Panel, which is at the far end of the canyon.  To make sure we didn't run out of time before we could get there, we went there first and worked our way back to the start. 

Here we have the Big Buffalo panel.

More right around the corner! 

Next, we went to an area that was new to me.  The main road through the canyon is paved, with several side roads that are dirt.  Last time I was there, I was hesitant to take one of those roads to the next area, not quite knowing where I would end up.  Needless to say, the end destination was fabulous!  Here is the Family Rock Art Panel.

More nearby.

Daddy Canyon was full of rock art. 
I didn't see this next panel until I was going back to the van, as it couldn't be seen from directly below.  I counted approximately 22 deer, all heading in the same direction.

One of our last stops was to the Owl rock art panel.  Other people on the trip had been there previously, and we all were clamoring to get there.  We didn't want to miss it, as we were getting towards our end of time in the canyon. 

My next post will describe a traditional Native American story.  Stay tuned. 

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