March 13, 2022

Holding Your Own

So now we have another round (or 2 or 3 or more) of turmoil, conflict and uncertainty happening on the planet.  All designed to generate fear.  Just when we think things are evening out and starting to normalize, something else comes along.  Is this all a part of a plan?  On an energetic level, is this the age old battle of light vs. dark being activated once again?  I suspect that it has never gone away, and just resurfaces from time to time. 

Someone has to hold the higher ground no matter what is happening.  That someone is you.  By holding the higher ground, you radiate that elevated energy to those around you for the indirect benefit of all.  That is true service work.  I also wrote about this time of disconnect and turmoil in my New Years prediction post here. 

So here is a very gentle reminder to those of you who know yourselves to be spirit having a temporary physical experience.  Be the observer of your reality.  Take a step back and connect with your Inner, Higher and Greater Selves.  If you feel drawn to engage in one of the issues currently plaguing our earth and humanity, go within first and try to determine what the unhealed issue is that you are carrying regarding what is going on.  Do you play the victim?  Do you have unhealed issues of being abused, abandoned, and neglected?  Are you living a life of lack and limitation, or poverty consciousness? 

Just know that any and all of these issues exist only in the physical, emotional and mental realms, and that you do not take them with you when you finally transition out of the 4 D arena.  On the other hand, if they are not resolved by that time, you will be repeating them over and over until they are.

These experiences are also for the learning and might I say adventure of your greater being! 

Being a long time shamanic practitioner and energy healer, I know that unearthing certain issues that you are carrying within can be tricky.  We are talking about shadow work here.  Know that just by acknowledging the issue in any way that you can is about 85% of the healing process.  If nothing else, hold a higher vibrational state for yourself as consistently as possible.  Focus on the divine and perfect being that you are.  Your personal storm clouds will clear eventually! 

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