November 28, 2021

November Launch

Our on line group got together today for our latest launching.  Without going into specifics, one of the greatest benefits that we see is the ability to support each other when disturbing events happen.  That was the case today.  The support is definitely spiritually oriented, and there is mutual understanding that is not victim, shame or blame based.  I think that everyone got great benefit from our interaction today!

These past few weeks, I have been hiking a series of trails north and west of Cedar City, and have happened upon quite a few magnetite rocks strewn on the ground in several places.  As the photo above shows, it is a dark and somewhat shiny mineral, and is made up mostly of iron.  As the name indicates, it is magnetic.  The piece that I photographed fits in the palm of my hand, and it is very heavy.  I am always interested in any black stones that I see on my hikes, as those can be basalt, obsidian, or black jasper, which were all used for making arrowheads.  So I was very surprised to find magnetic stones. 

The name of the county in Utah where I live is Iron County, named because the early settlers discovered iron here.  The area where I was hiking is near those early iron mines. 

The intent for my launch today was to journey with my magnetite and find out what it was all about!  At the start of my journey, I went through a zone that was red hot and molten.  I could feel all heavy energy that I might be carrying being burnt up and dissolved.  I then encountered a large male figure that pointed me towards a very small hole that I was to enter.  I am assuming that this was some kind of portal.  Once on the other side, I found myself in the patterning of the mineral kingdom.  To me, this always looks like multitudes of tiny rods linked together by tiny balls of energy.  If you have ever seen a diagram of a molecule, that’s what this realm looks like. 

I consider the mineral kingdom to contain the framework for all physical structure.  That may be why the next stop on my journey was to what I would call the causal plane, where all manifestation starts.  I saw how intent can be applied there to start the creation of anything.  I then experienced creating an intent, and the magnetite drawing (or magnetizing) that intent back into the physical, more specifically right into my heart core!  I felt at one with the core of the earth as the patterning of the mineral kingdom started to expand from my heart outwards. 

Getting back to the magnetite, from some research and my own experience, it is extremely grounding, balancing and healing, enabling one to shed any out of balance state or emotion.  I find that it also facilitates a deep meditation state in addition to allowing one to take hold of anything that is detected in that state and bring that back to conscious awareness.  I am hoping that this will help me with my remote viewing.  All in all, when I hold a magnetite stone, I can feel a calm and balanced centeredness.  It is very comforting!

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