As most of you know, I moved to Utah about a year ago. This state has always been predominantly Mormon,
and depending on where you live, the percentages are different. In the Salt Lake City area, the percentage is
about 50% Mormon, and in the rural areas, I would expect that it approaches
100%. Here in Cedar City, it is about
70% Mormon. We have about 15 LDS
Churches and also a LDS Temple. That’s a
lot of churches for a town of 36,000 people!
In addition to that, most other religions are represented, including
Catholic, Baptist, Methodist and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
I have never been a church goer, and was briefly a
Presbyterian in high school. I have
always said that religion didn’t stick! Lucky
for me. George Kavassilas talks about
the God Matrix of religion that is designed to entrap and enslave humanity
through its dogma and control. That
certainly seems to be going on in this community.
My family is not religious for the most part, and even
throughout my whole adult life, I very rarely had friends or acquaintances who
went to church. Even if they did, they
didn’t talk about it at all. You would
think that in a predominantly Mormon community, that religion would be a common
topic of conversation. Not so. The only person who talked a lot about it was
Paul Smith, my CRV instructor.
So here is the interesting part. In activities that I have participated in,
with people that I am just meeting for the first time, or people in my
subdivision, the subject of one’s religion comes up frequently. For the most
part I do not know what religion these people belong to, but they seem to have
a need to identify themselves as religious God loving people. Like putting on a big badge. I hiked with a new group yesterday, and the
same thing happened. Mormons here do not
do that. They seem to be secure in their
faith, and know who is LDS, and who is not.
It is a somewhat closed group, too.
I finally asked myself about what is going on here. The best I can come up with is that because of
the predominance of Mormons, the members of the other religions have to amplify
and make clear their identities as non Mormon as a subconscious energetic
counterbalance. Not that I agree with
any of this. When someone brings up any version
of their religious persuasion, I can see a kind of netting start to form around
their bodies. That must be the God
Matrix showing itself. It feels so
mechanical and robotic to me.
Anyway, I will keep observing this behavior in others. I am hiking with the same group next Saturday
and will have my eyes and ears open! Above
and below are some photos from yesterday’s hike.