December 29, 2022

The New Year of 2023

As we approach the end of the current year, I'd like to tune in to scope out the energy flows for the coming year of 2023.  I do this as a part of my end of year ceremonies and processes.  These are not predictions per se, but just a preview of the energies coming up.  It is up to each person to determine what these patterns mean to them and how they relate to their life’s purpose. 

So as I see it, here is a brief recap of next year’s energy.  We will start off with a very smooth and even energy flow.  This will feel almost boring to some, as the chaotic action of past times will be greatly diminished.  There will be a “hiccup” near late July that will interrupt that flow.  For some reason, it feels like a natural disaster.  Earth quake or volcanic eruption.  After that until the end of the year, the energy flow will be up and down.  Not a jagged and pointy energy, but more rounded at the top and bottom of the curves. 

Your task during the first part of the year will be to dive deeply into your unconscious/hidden self, and connect firmly to your core beingness.   It is time to know yourself completely, and know for certain who you are and what you stand for.  Be certain about what is yours to engage with and what is not.  Hold your center and do not waver.  Do not own what is not yours to own!  Connect deeply and listen.

There will be peaks of energy reaching up from the collective unconscious dark side during this time.  Do not engage with that.  Be the consummate observer and exercise supreme awareness.  This also involves being aware of the agendas of others.  When the disruption comes later in the summer, you will be well prepared to ride the waves that come after. 

I also sense that for some of you, during the calm and deep time, a brilliant inner light will appear.  This will be an individual event for each, so I cannot predict what this is or how this will affect you. Just acknowledge this event and go with the flow.

I also want to mention that I took note of several “peace” type activities that took place over the holidays, mainly via the internet.  These activities involved chanting, praying, intending, etc.  This bit of advice is for those of you who are walking a spiritual path and intend to transition out of this reality when your time comes.  Only engage in these activities if you feel that they are part of your path here on earth.  Remember that everything that we experience here in 3D has a pattern that already exists in the 4th dimensional matrix, and 4D is all about polarity.  Good/evil, black/white, light/dark, etc.  If you feed one end of the spectrum, the other end gains power, too.  Thus praying for peace also feeds war.  I say that it is always best to take a neutral and observer stance. 

If you find yourself espousing a cause, look within to see where you resonate with that cause as a victim, downtrodden, or helpless person.  Heal that issue within.  This is where the first half of this coming year can serve you well if you hunker down to do your inner work. 

I recently heard a podcast by a woman who also does some predictions for the coming year.  Interestingly, she predicted that people’s psychic skills and awareness will be increasing in 2023.  How fun!  So pay attention to that area of your life.  If you get an insight, do not doubt it or push it aside.  Go with it and trust.  That is the way to increase your psychic perception. 

So here’s wishing all of you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!  May all of your wishes be fulfilled in 2023.              

December 19, 2022

Winter Solstice

This week, on December 21 or 22, depending on where you live, we will be having the Winter Solstice for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, and Summer Solstice for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere.  This post is for the Northern Hemisphere folks.  If you live south of the equator, you can book mark this post to reference 6 months from now.

For me, this dark time is the most sacred time of year.  It is a time of reflection, introspection and intention.  The rising and setting sun on the eastern and western horizons shows a standstill for a number of days before starting to move again towards the end of December.  It is a time for you, too, to stand still in the in between world of endings and beginnings.  This does not even need to be on the exact day of the solstice, as the sacred window extends for a few days before and after that. 

So take a look at this past year and come to completion with all events.  Express gratitude and appreciation for all that has passed.  Then you can set your intention to create something new and more fruitful going forward, starting with a clean slate.  I always do a bowl burning on the evening of the Winter Solstice.  Here is a link to the post that describes that process. If you have a favorite ceremony that you like to do, now is also the time for that. 

As a heads up ahead of time, on January 4th I will be interviewed by Angela Zabel on her podcast “Amazing Soul”.  Part of the interview will involve my guided meditation “Setting Your Energetic Template for 2023”.  I will post the link as we get further up to that date.  The podcast will be recorded for those who miss it the first time, and the guided meditation can be done any time through January. 

Here’s wishing all of you a wonderful Winter Solstice and Happy New Year.  May 2023 be the best ever! 

Love and Blessings to you all, Carla

December 4, 2022

December Launch

We’ve changed our launch schedule a bit, with no launch in November, one in December, and 2 in January because of holiday schedules.  This morning we had 4 launchers for a very interesting and fruitful event, as usual!

Each day, I pull a card from my Osho Zen Tarot deck.  This morning it was “The Master”.  Coincidentally, as I was mulling over my intent for the launch, I intuited that I should ask for a message.  OK.  That was a first for me. 

In addition, as I lay down getting ready, I perceived a group of energetic beings surrounding me.  That is also quite unusual.  Those beings did not launch with me, as they stayed behind around my physical body.  I am assuming that they were doing some healing work on me today.

As soon as I launched, I encountered a male figure wearing a robe and sitting on a throne.  That was my version of a “master”.  He said “I am you and you are me”, and I was advised to embody myself as a master from now on. That must have been the message!  We then went on a journey where I saw that I was revisiting all of the advanced ancient societies that I had lived in to gather up all of the esoteric and spiritual teachings that I had learned and taught.  I remember Italy, Greece, Egypt, and some sort of jungle environment, but I know that there were many more. 

He then took me off planet to do the same thing in other realms.  That knowledge was different, as a lot of it involved some sort of spiritual technology not having to do so much with the physical world.  

About that time, the “master” being has disappeared, and I ended up on a level that I will call causal, where the basic stuff of the universe was located.  This is where manifestation starts out, as that causal matter can be manipulated to create something.

This is where things got a bit fuzzy and hard to define.  I do remember my hands getting really hot as streams of bright energy came out of them.  Same thing with my heart area.   I was apparently creating something in this way, but I do not remember what. 

I then saw myself walking the streets of my neighborhood exuding this new energy.  It felt very empowering but at the same time, pretty isolating, as no one else here could do this.  There was also minimal engagement with the earthly plane at the same time.  As I write this, I have a sense that I was doing this in those ancient societies, too.  Life was probably simpler then, and the vibration of the planet was much higher. 

So there you have it.  Where this will take me, I do not know.  Perhaps none of this will come to fruition until I leave my physical body for the last time.  At that point, all of these other worldly skills may come in handy as I negotiate my way out of this universe! 

In the mean time, we have the very special day of the Winter Solstice coming up in a few weeks.  This is a reminder to do something special to mark that most important day of the year.  I will do my usual bowl burning, and maybe something else, too.  It may depend on the weather, so stay tuned.  Have a good one.

November 22, 2022

Giving Thanks

Here in the US we are closing in on our annual Thanksgiving holiday.  I just wanted to take this opportunity to send heartfelt thanks and appreciation out to all of you who have been reading my posts.  The support of my "unseen" audience means a lot to me.  I know you are out there even though I only  occasionally hear from a few of you.  

Wishing those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving a wonderful day of good food and good companionship on Thursday.  I will be catching up and eating out with 2 local friends at a casino restaurant in Mesquite Nevada.  Oh well!  Different strokes for different folks.  Have a happy day! 

November 8, 2022

November 8 Lunar Eclipse

Early this morning, our planet experienced yet another fabulous total lunar eclipse.  This was the Beaver Blood Moon Eclipse. When I tune into something like this, I do not reference astrology at all.  Instead, I muse about the strange behavior of our moon, with the same side facing the earth all of the time, and the possibility of human and alien bases on and beneath its surface.  There is also a certain creepiness factor, second only to the full moon.

Last night before going to bed, I set my alarm for 3 AM.  Our weather at that time was very windy with gusts up to 30 MPH, 46 degrees, and clouds racing by with rain starting to come in.  So I set up my camera, and popped in and out of the house to take my photos.  By 4 AM, I'd had it.  Because of the weather, I did not get as many photos as I usually get.  Here are the good ones. 

November 1, 2022

October Launch

This post is a few days late, mainly because I took the day off yesterday to go down to Zion National Park for a day of hiking before the next storm rolls through.  BTW—we already have enough snow up in the mountains here for the Brian Head Ski Resort to open a few weeks early.  It is the furthest south ski resort in the state, and the first to open this season.  Quite interesting for southern Utah!

This past weekend on Saturday I walked the local labyrinth, and then we had our launching group on Sunday.  A double whammy!  So my intent for the launching on Sunday was to experience the energy dynamic of a labyrinth.

When I walk a labyrinth, I am releasing what needs to go as I make my way to the center, where I anchor and expand the sacred space.   I then embrace the positive on my way out.  There are different ways to do this of course, but I find that this works for me. It is my sense that one is also unwinding and then rewinding the DNA to reflect a more positive patterning.

The labyrinth is a 2 D flat surface, but energetically, as I found out, it is a multidimensional construct.  This is what I was first shown in my journey.  As one walks the labyrinth with intent, a spiral of energy upwards is created, up to a certain point, and then a corresponding spiral that comes downwards in the opposite direction is created.  The interesting thing is that simultaneously the same formation is created going down into the earth.  These 2 spirals are mirror images of each other, as in the photos above. 

This energy goes out in all directions, and there are also multiples of these throughout the universe.  As I floated above this formation, what I got was that these are energy generators! 

So the next part of my journey involved positioning myself in the center of this double spiral, or if I was on a flat plane, in the center of the labyrinth. 

This is where it got very interesting.  The energy in the center felt very powerful and dynamic, and I labeled it “nuclear”.  It was not the gentle expansion that I am used to when dealing with higher dimensional energy.  Could this possibly be the way that a star generates energy?  Certainly our Sun generates a lot of power for the solar system, and I assume that all other stars do the same.  In addition, all stars are connected on a multidimensional level, core to core, so it is possible that they share energy through a vast network. 

Well, I will have to tune into this new energy dynamic the next time I walk the labyrinth.  This one is located in the Cedar City Episcopal Church, and there are 2 ladies that host it.  The last thing I said to the group on Sunday was “I wonder if the church ladies know what is going on here?”  They would probably be shocked!